The Department of Political Science offers students the incredible opportunity to spend the fall semester in Washington D.C., while earning credit toward their degree.
Why do an internship in D.C.?
Gain life and work experience; live in a vibrant city; meet new people from around the globe; build your career network; earn credit towards your degree; new surroundings, travel, and new restaurants; make your friends jealous; attend fascinating events all across the city; hear new accents; gain new perspective; work hard and improve your resume.
The experience is life changing.
What do I need to do?
Landing a fall D.C. internship starts in the spring semester. While there are thousands of internship opportunities in D.C. (e.g., congressional offices; federal judiciary, agencies, and departments; lobbying organizations and corporations), they are also highly competitive. Therefore, it is imperative to contact us to start the process early during the spring semester before you plan to be in D.C.
These internships typically start in August and end in December. In addition, the application requirements and deadlines vary widely. Thus, the more organized you are to start, the better the chances are that you will land the internship of your dreams!
Where will I stay while interning in D.C.?
We work with students on a case-by-case bases. One of our primary recommendations is the Washington Intern Housing Network. This is a network of high-quality housing options that students can apply for once they have lined up their D.C. internship. You will be living with other interns from across the country and every conceivable institution of higher education. It’s an exhilarating experience, like few others you’ll ever have in your life.
When to contact us?
During the Spring semester (the earlier the better)
Other Information
“Washington DC Metro” by Mark Fischer is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0