Faculty Profiles

Full time faculty

Dr. Elizabeth Thill

Program Director + Associate Professor of Classical Studies

Education + Email


  • PhD: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2012)
  • MA: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2007)
  • BA: University of Michigan (2005)


ethill @ iu.edu


Research Interests

Roman sculpture, relief sculpture, Roman archaeology, iconography, numismatics, cultural identity, politicized visual culture, Dacia (ancient Romania)

Research Projects

Recent Publications (as E. Wolfram Thill)

  • 2022. “Dispatches from the Homefront: The Anaglypha Panels in Rome.” Britannia 52: 1-26.
  • 2022. “Public Sculpture and Social Practice in the Roman Empire.” In The Oxford Handbook of Roman Imagery and Iconography, edited by N. Elkins and L. Cline, 270-291. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • 2018. “Setting War in Stone: Architectural Depictions on the Column of Marcus Aurelius.” American Journal of Archaeology 122.2: 277-308.
  • Sobocinski, M.G. and E. Wolfram Thill. 2018. “Dismembering a Sacred Cow: The Extispicium Relief in the Louvre.” In Roman Artists, Patrons and Public Consumption: Familiar Works Reconsidered, edited by B. Longfellow and E. Perry, 38-62. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • full CV (coming soon)


Teaching Interests

innovative technologies (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, 3D-Printing) in the classroom, critical thinking

Teaching Projects

Teaching History

Why I Love Classical Studies

Why I Love Classical Studies

When I was growing up, I watched way too many archaeology-themed TV shows on The Learning Channel, back when that channel showed boring documentaries. I loved the combination of hard data, imagination, and story-telling. Then in high school I was required to take 4 years of Latin, and I fell in love with that and the Romans in general. Classical Studies is fascinating, because you can explore questions on all sorts of scales, from “what is this object” to “how do societies organize themselves?”.

Cool Things I’ve Done Through Classical Studies

  • worked on excavations in Italy and Cyprus (and less excitingly, Michigan)
  • traveled to Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, England, France, Germany, Italy, Romania
  • worked in the storage rooms in the basement of the Louvre (Paris) and the attic of the Musei Capitolini Palazzo dei Conservatori (Rome)
  • learned to scuba dive (long story)

Dr. Andrew Findley

Lecturer in Classical Studies and Art History

Education + Email


  • PhD: Washington University in St. Louis (2013)
  • MA: Case Western Reserve University (2004)
  • BA: Loyola University of Chicago (2002)


findley1 @ iu.edu

Teaching (at IU)

Teaching (SmartHistory)

SmartHistory.org is a website from the Center for Public Art History, a foundation dedicated to a more equitable art history that crosses borders and builds cultural bridges. Dr. Findley has authored multiple articles for SmartHistory, and shares his knowledge around the world, along with our students at IU-Indianapolis.

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

Arch of Constantine, Rome

Affiliated faculty

Dr. Kathryn M. Lauten

Program Director + Teaching Professor in French

Affiliated Faculty in Classical Studies

Education + Email


  • PhD: University of Michigan (1996)
  • BA: Dartmouth Collage (1989)


klauten @ iu.edu

Dr. Matthew G. Condon

Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies

Affiliated Faculty in Classical Studies

Education + Email


  • PhD: Divinity School, University of Chicago
  • MA: Divinity School, University of Chicago
  • BA: Georgia State University


mgcondon @ iu.edu

Associate faculty

Dr. Martha Payne

Senior Associate Faculty in Classical Studies

Education + Email


  • PhD: Michigan State University (1981)
  • MA: [German] Michigan State University (1974)
  • MA: [Latin] University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1971)
  • BA: University of Michigan (1967)


marpayne @ iu.edu

f c

Prof. Rebecca Reneau

Associate Faculty in Classical Studies

Education + Email


  • MA: English, with TOEFL specialization (1987)
  • MA: French + Latin (1985)
  • BA: French, Latin, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (1977)


rreneau @ iu.edu

Fulltime Faculty

Prof. Melissa Trahyn

Senior Associate Faculty in Classical Studies

Education + Email


mtrahyn @ iu.edu

Prof. Crystal Rosenthal

Associate Faculty in Classical Studies

Education + Email


carosent @ iu.edu / crosenthal @ utexas.edu


Teaching History