
For a subject that specializes in dead people, Classical Studies has a lot going on! Join us for one of our upcoming events, and Learn What You Love.

Classics at the Kan-Kan Cinema

In Spring 2023, the Classical Studies Program launched a new film series Classics at the Kan-Kan, where we bring movies inspired by the cultures and myths of Ancient Greece and Rome back to the big screen.

If you don’t know the Kan-Kan Indy Cinema and Brasserie, you absolutely should, because:

    1. it’s right downtown Indy near 10th and Mass Ave;
    2. it makes a great date night;
    3. it shows an amazing mix of current hits and oldies-but-goodies of all genres.

And if you don’t know movies inspired by Classical Cultures, you absolutely should, because they:

  1. include famous properties like Clash of the Titans and Percy Jackson;
  2. are often hilariously bad (Paul Newman famously took out a full-page ad in a Hollywood newspaper, apologizing for his performance in The Silver Chalice);
  3. are a super interesting way to see how the modern world sees the past and sees itself.

Check out upcoming screenings, and for more in-depth exploration of ancient stories in modern films, look for CLAS-C 321 Classical Myth and Culture in Theater and Film.

Local Lectures and Happenings

Sometimes, even your trusty Classical Studies professors at IUI reach their limits in what they can teach you about the ancient world. But don’t despair! Thankfully the Indy area is full of opportunities to learn more and have fun with all things ancient. We’ll keep you up to date (so many archaeology puns!) on events sponsored through some great local organizations, including:

Click through to see what’s coming up! Know about a local event that we should know about? Please feel free to reach out our Program Director Dr. Elizabeth Thill!


What studying Classics did for me?

Maddie Theaman studying abroad in Cyprus

“I pursued a BA in Classics because I was interested in learning about the languages and cultures of the ancient Mediterranean, but I gained much more. Courses on mythology, archaeology, and ancient literature helped me to develop my writing and communication skills, while also teaching me to critically evaluate evidence and question how we know what we know.

Not only were these skills transferable and helpful while simultaneously pursuing my BA in English Literature, but the myths and stories I read as part of my Classics courses were relevant to my Literature courses. Whether they provided context for modern literature or simply explored similar themes, my study of ancient literature allowed me to explore modern literature on a deeper level.

While completing my BA in Classics, I was able to study abroad for a summer in Cyprus and attend an archaeological field school, as well assist a professor with a research project involving the digitization of ancient Roman artifacts. Both experiences encouraged me to learn more about digitization and handling artifacts, and further diversified my skill set, making me more marketable to employers.

If you are considering a major or minor in Classics, or even just taking one course, I highly recommend it!”

— Maddie Theaman, ’20, BA Individualized Major Program (Classical Studies).
Maddie is now working on a masters in Library and Information Science at IUI.

More Info

Contact Dr. Elizabeth Thill, Director of Classical Studies.