
Posted on July 22nd, 2024 in Real Housewives of Mt Olympus by Elizabeth W. Thill

Episode 77: In which Hades learns what movies and archaeologists are, and young Prince Charles crawls around an Etruscan tomb. This cross-over episode of Real Housewives of Hades (a Mt. Olympus spin-off) and Real Housewives of Mt. Olympus brought to you by the latest archaeological news on… (?!…checks notes…yes, that’s correct!) – and by CLAS-B 312 Plague, Disasters …

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Posted on May 13th, 2024 in Announcements, Faculty, We Have Thoughts On That... by Elizabeth W. Thill

It’s been a banner year for our IU-Indianapolis Classical Studies Professors: five faculty members received promotions and prestigious prizes. As our semester draws to a close, we take the time to celebrate our faculty’s achievements, in the great tradition of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, who deeply, deeply believed that nothing was more important than …

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Posted on March 8th, 2024 in Real Housewives of Mt Olympus by Elizabeth W. Thill

Episode 74: In which the members of the Underworld Scientific Academy discover artificial intelligence, and (re?)visit a villa. This episode of Real Housewives of Hades (a Mt. Olympus spin-off) brought to you by the latest archaeological news on – and by CLAS-C 361 Ancient Roman Revolutions. [SETTING: Underworld Scientific Academy] PLINY THE ELDER, ANCIENT SCIENTIFIC …

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Posted on July 21st, 2023 in Real Housewives of Mt Olympus by Elizabeth W. Thill

Episode 66: In which the gods try to stop a wave of tourist destruction, and arrive at the inevitable conclusion: we need more gladiators. This episode of Real Housewives of Mt. Olympus brought to you by the latest archaeological news on – and by CLAS-B 312 Plague, Disasters and Death in the Ancient World. …

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Posted on June 21st, 2023 in Real Housewives of Mt Olympus by Elizabeth W. Thill

Episode 62: In which Hades learns how Romans randomly made plaster casts of dead people, and Persephone starts a craft project with Theseus. This cross-over episode of Real Housewives of Hades (a Mt. Olympus spin-off) and Real Housewives of Mt. Olympus brought to you by the latest archaeological news on – and by CLAS-B 312 Plague, Disasters …

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Posted on April 27th, 2023 in Real Housewives of Mt Olympus by Elizabeth W. Thill

Episode 58: In which Vulcan and Venus debate public transportation to Pompeii, and whether an exhibit on erotica is necessarily erotic. This episode of Real Housewives of Mt. Olympus brought to you by the latest archaeological news on – and by CLAS-C 491 Silent Voices: Sex and Gender in the Roman World. VULCAN, GOD OF METALWORKING …

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Posted on January 11th, 2023 in Real Housewives of Mt Olympus by Elizabeth W. Thill

Episode 53: In which Pliny and Vitruvius learn that modern mortals have been throwing shade at their concrete recipes this whole time. This episode of Real Housewives of Hades (a Mt. Olympus spin-off) brought to you by the latest archaeological news on – and by CLAS-C 414 Art and Archaeology of the Roman World. [SETTING: Underworld Scientific Academy] PLINY …

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Posted on November 17th, 2022 in Ancient Influencers, Classes by Elizabeth W. Thill

This episode of Ancient HBO brought to you by CLAS-B 312 Plague, Disasters and Death in the Ancient World– Because Westeros has nothing on the past.  Also, spoiler alerts, if that’s still a thing for OG Game of Thrones… The decision of Daenerys Targaryen to torch Kings Landing in Season 8 may have been (almost entirely) inexplicable …

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Posted on August 30th, 2022 in Honest Museum Signs by Elizabeth W. Thill

Acquisition no. 4: A museum information sign for a pot by Douris, which involves a little shoulder-lion, for reasons lost to time. This episode of Honest Museum Signs brought to you by CLAS-C 205 Classical Mythology. Social media is full of series that feature the greatest works of ancient art. This is not one of those …

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Posted on August 25th, 2022 in Real Housewives of Mt Olympus by Elizabeth W. Thill

Episode 25: In which Thetis and Achilles pay a visit to Persephone, and Thetis argues about which goddess should get which Stonehenge. This cross-over episode of Real Housewives of Hades (a Mt. Olympus spin-off) and Real Housewives of Mt. Olympus brought to you by the latest archaeological news (here and here) on – and by CLAS-B 312 …

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