Minor in German

The German economy ranks number one in Europe and number four worldwide. Its economy is comparable to that of all the world’s Spanish-speaking countries combined.

The Minor will give you conversational proficiency in German and develop intercultural awareness and understanding.

Core Requirements

The Minor in German requires satisfactory completion of the following:

  • Properly distributed credit hour requirements for the baccalaureate degree in effect when the student was admitted to their home school.
  • 15 credit hours (beyond GER-G 132), with a minimum grade of C in each course (a C- will not qualify).
  • A minimum of six credit hours must be taken at IU Indianapolis.

Required Courses

  • GER-G 203: Second Year German I (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 204: Second Year German II (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 300: Fifth Semester German (3 cr.), GER-G 340: Schreiben und Sprechen (3 cr.), or GER-G 365: Deutsche Kultur Heute (3 cr.)
  • 6 credit hours (including GER-G 300, GER-G340, and GER-G 365) from courses at the 300- or 400- level taught in German

Native and non-native speakers with the right credentials may receive a maximum of six credit hours at the 200-level upon completion of GER-G 300, GER-G 340, or GER-G 365 with a grade of C or higher. Native speakers of German are those who attended high school taught predominantly in German.


Choose two courses (6 credit hours) at the 300- or 400- level taught in German.

  • GER-G 331: Business German (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 333: German Translation Practice (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 340: Deutsch: Schreiben und Sprechen (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 355: Theater Spielen (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 365: Deutsche Kultur Heute (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 371: Der deutsche Film (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 401: Deutsche Kultur in Amerika (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 407: Knights, God, and the Devil (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 408: Love, Nature, and the Age of Romanticism (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 409: German Myths, Fairy Tales, and Social Transformation (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 410: Language and Identity in Modern German Literature (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 423: The Craft of Translation (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 431: Advanced Business German (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 445: Oberstufe: Grammatik (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 465: Structure of German (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 490: Das deutsche Kolloquium (3 cr.)
  • GER-G 493: Internship in German (1-6 cr.)

How to enroll

To declare the minor, complete the School of Liberal Arts online declaration form.

More Info

Contact Kate Miller, Interim Director of the Program in German.