Placement Testing

We are here to place you in the best classroom for your abilities. This guide will help you decide which course to take along with the recommendation of your advisor.

If you have not taken German before, then start with GER-G 131.

If you have taken German before, but have not taken an Advanced Placement (AP) or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test for German, you should first take the IU Indianapolis placement test to see what course level you are ready for.

If you took the Webcape test offered by IU Indianapolis, then follow these guidelines:

Test score  Course to take
250 or below GER G-131
251-340 GER G-132
341-390 GER G-203
391-469 GER G-204
470 or higher any 300-level course

If you took the AP test, then follow these guidelines:

Test score  Course to take
3 GER-G 203
4 GER-G 204
5 any 300-level course

If you took the CLEP test, then follow these guidelines:

Test score  Course to take
50 GER-G 203
66 any 300-level course

If you are a native speaker of German (i.e., you went to a high school where German was the primary language), you may NOT take any of these courses for credit: GER-G 131, GER-G 132, GER-G 203, GER-G 204. You may however enroll in any 300-level German course and qualify for GER-G 203 and GER-G 204 credit if you earn a “C” or higher in the 300-level course.

More Info

Contact Kate Miller, Interim Director of the Program in German.