Study Abroad

German Study Abroad Opportunities

The Program in German sponsors a 2-week summer program in Berlin and Heilbronn for students who have successfully completed at least First Year German II (GER G-132). Organized in conjunction with the University of Heilbronn and local community partners, the program introduces students to hands-on, high-impact learning experiences. It includes a service-learning component and focuses on social and economic issues. This is a great program for intermediate and advanced language learners.

Students may also participate in immersive IU-sponsored study abroad programs that include a summer program in Graz, Austria, and a semester-long program in Freiburg, Germany. These programs are open to juniors and seniors who have fifth-semester German proficiency. IU credit is granted for work that is satisfactorily completed in any of these programs.

Students interested in studying abroad are encouraged to discuss their options with the Interim Director of the Program in German, Kate Miller, and look at additional abroad options through the Office of International Affairs’ Study Abroad Office.

What Studying German Did for Me?

Will Green“My German major allowed me to participate in unforgettable study abroad experiences in Germany. When I started at IUI, I had no German language experience whatsoever. However, thanks to the help of my German professors and their immersive courses, I was able to comfortably live abroad and connect with new people in their native tongue.”

— Will Green, B.A. in German (2020)

Dual Degree Abroad

The Program for International Engineering at IU Indianapolis offers students of engineering a study abroad internship in Germany as part of the dual degree program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in German.

The IU Indianapolis School of Engineering and Technology also offers a course titled GO GREEN, “Green Organizations: Global Responsibility for Economic and Environmental Necessity,” which includes a one-week component in Mannheim, Germany. The course emphasizes sustainability, globalization, and German culture.

More Info

Contact Kate Miller, Interim Director of the Program in German.