Dr. Snodgrass enjoys coffee with Göttingen students and Euroculture supervisor Marc Arwed Rutke.
This May, Global Studies program director Michael Snodgrass returned to Europe to share his research expertise as an Erasmus Mundus scholar. Germany’s prestigious Göttingen University hosted his first visit, where he presented a lecture on the Spanish labor migrants who helped rebuild West Germany after WWII. That research appeared in a recent article in Comparative Studies in Society and History called “Dreams of Development in Mexico and Spain: A Comparative History of Guestworkers and Migration Diplomacy.” Dr. Snodgrass also took part in a research lab hosted by Göttingen’s Centre for Global Migration Studies. He then traveled to Groningen University, in the Netherlands, where his lecture “Return of the Norteños” explained the experiences of migrants returning to Mexico from the USA. At both universities, he also led research seminars for graduate students in the MA in Euroculture Program. Dr. Snodgrass is a former coordinator of that program during the fifteen years that IUPUI took part in the Euroculture consortium. Prof. Snodgrass teaches courses on Latin American history, Latina/os in the Midwest, and International Migrations