Courses may not be offered during every semester. To confirm course offerings for each semester, please use the Course Search.
The Medical Humanities and Health Studies program offers a range of courses that allow you to explore health and medicine from a variety of perspectives.
For up-to-the-minute course listings, including enrollment information, see the Office of the Registrar.
Intro Courses
- MHHS M201 Introduction to Medical Humanities and Health Studies
- MHHS M301 Perspectives on Health, Disease, and Healing (mandatory for MHHS majors and minors)
Advanced Courses
- MHHS M325 Ancient Medicine and Modern Terminology
- MHHS M390 A Body of Law: Medicine, Humanities & Law
- MHHS M410 Addiction Narratives
- MHHS M420 The Culture of Mental Illness
- MHHS M425/Afro A301 Black Health and the Humanities
- MHHS M492 Topics in MHHS: Ethics and Policy in Organ Transplantation
- MHHS M492 Topics in MHHS: Finding Frankenstein
- MHHS M492 Topics in MHHS: Motherhood in Medical Humanities
- MHHS M492 Topics in MHHS: Dramatic Literature & Medicine
- MHHS M492 Topics in MHHS: Playwriting and Medicine
- MHHS M498 Independent Project/ Seminar in Medical Humanities and Health Studies
- MHHS M498 Readings in Medical Humanities and Health Studies
- MHHS M504 Intro to Research Ethics
- MHHS M592 Graduate Topics in Medical Humanities
- MHHS M595 Clinical Practicum in Medical Humanities
- MHHS M598 Graduate Readings in Medical Humanities
- ANTH B474 Forensic Anthropology
- ECON E387 Health Economics
- COMM C392 Health Communication
- HIST H364 The History of Medicine and Public Health
- PHIL P393 Biomedical Ethics
- REL R368 Religion and Healing
- SOC R327 Social Factors in Health and Illness
- SOC R385 AIDS and Society
Experiential Learning
MHHS M480 Kindred Hospice Experience is a unique, 1 credit experiential course in which you can serve as a hospice volunteer – a life-changing experience for many students.
Capstone Course
When pursuing a major in MHHS, you will complete your education with a capstone seminar (MHHS M495). The capstone seminar will allow you to apply the knowledge gained from the course work taken in the Medical Humanities and Health Studies Program, serving to tie together the humanistic and social scientific bases of health care in a directed endeavor tailored to your interests.
For specific courses offered in a specific semester see the Schedule of Classes at Student Central.
More Info
Contact Emily Beckman, faculty mentor, or email an academic advisor at, call at 317-274-3976, or stop by the Advising Office in Cavanaugh Hall Room 401.