Category: Uncategorized

Posted on April 26th, 2024 by aiwitt

by Ashley Bertram “The key is to use something that is a mystery to you, and then follow it. And let it reveal itself without too much concern for solving that mystery.” — Rob Schiffmann on improv TO WRITE OR NOT TO WRITE Throughout a typical college career, various writing projects are sprinkled into our …

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Posted on March 28th, 2024 by aiwitt

by Laura Carver In the last blogpost, we covered the basic format of a session, established the three commonalities I found among Writing Center sessions (atmosphere, collaboration, and principle), and discussed some of what the atmosphere is like during a session. I left you with the question of how you and/or the consultant tell each …

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Posted on March 6th, 2024 by aiwitt

by Laura Carver My leg jiggled beneath the table as I waited anxiously for the writing tutor to sign on for the online session. I don’t need to be here, I thought, I’ve always been good at writing and have never needed to go to a tutor before. Why does the professor feel the need …

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Posted on November 27th, 2023 by aiwitt

  by Xavier Neier “Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it’s the only way you can do anything really good.” — William Faulkner The final project is due tonight. Two weeks have passed and your untitled “Document1” paper is still blank. Your only options are either to spend the next six …

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Posted on November 4th, 2022 by aiwitt

by Nate Marcisz No matter what academic disciplines you are engaging in, you will most likely be required to do writing of some kind. In my undergraduate experience as an Industrial Engineering Technology major at Purdue University, I had to write constantly. Between the research proposals, lab reports, and reflective essays, I probably did more …

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Posted on March 16th, 2021 by University Writing Center

Responses Compiled By: Lauren W. Contributors: Brandi, Hannah, and Jasmine. This week, I once again asked fellow consultants to share their writing process and how they go about beginning different writing projects. Below consultants Brandi, Hannah, and Jasmine will detail how they go about writing, and hopefully provide you with some tips and tricks to try …

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Posted on March 11th, 2021 by University Writing Center

By: Nathan M. Back and better than ever! Our amazing consultant Nathan is back with part 2 of his nonfiction writing series. Be sure to look back at his first blog post before you read part 2! In the last blog post, we determined that the only defining of creative nonfiction is that it’s somehow …

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Posted on March 4th, 2021 by University Writing Center

By: Shannon K. Our wonderful consultant Shannon has provided insight into the dreaded impostor syndrome, while also reminding us of our value as writers with our own unique voice. Writing is vulnerability. Writing is taking every ounce of your mind and putting it on to paper waiting for others to critique. This can feel suffocating…is …

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Posted on February 18th, 2021 by University Writing Center

Responses Compiled By: Lauren W. Contributors: Nathan, Shannon, and Chloe. This week, I asked fellow consultants to share their writing process and how they go about beginning different writing projects. Below consultants Nathan, Shannon, and Chloe will detail how they go about writing, and hopefully provide you with some tips and tricks to try when …

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Posted on February 9th, 2021 by University Writing Center

By: Nathan M. From our marvelous consultant Nathan, here is the first of three installments on writing creative nonfiction! When I first started writing creative nonfiction, I had the same anxieties that all my classmates seemed to: I didn’t think that my life was interesting enough that anyone would want to hear about it. I …

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