Hello, everyone!
I am Sita from Nepal. I am still wonder how fast I passed 21 days in U.S. I vividly remember the event that I met Miriam at Indy airport. She is really great lady with big heart and genuine personality. All the sessions were memorable. I enjoyed the site visits, cultural show, live session. When I visited War Memorial Museum, I got surprised by seeing the wonderful documentation there. I enjoyed the site visits to Pro Act Indy, Derrin Slack’s presentation, their service-learning expo at Indiana State House. Cultural exchange was great part of this program. We exchanged our gifts, danced together and celebrated each other’s music. The schools and college were really best example of service-learning. I still remember Dr. Connor’s home hospitality, her beautiful smile and gentle behaviour. Matthew was like superstar. Maggie was so kind and genuine girl. Dr. Upton was so friendly and talkative. All the guest speakers were experienced. I enjoyed each and every second. Thank you. 🙏

Sita with Maggie Espino, Technical Officer for the English Access Microscholarship Program

Sita with another exchange scholar.
You are a wonderful person Sita. You are so passionate about what you do and I am sure that you will have a wonderful impact on everything that you do. I was pleased to meet you.