The Department of Economics at the IU School of Liberal Arts has a long running and rich tradition of seminars and workshops to supplement, enrich, and add texture to the academic experiences of students and provide the public with engaging, interesting, and useful knowledge on the field of economics.
Robert Sandy Seminar in Economics Schedule, 2024-2025 AY
December 6: Mathew Luke Kovach (Purdue University). Presenting “Learning to be Homo Economicus: Can an LLM Learn Preferences from Choice?” (with coauthors J. Kim, K. Lee, E. Shin, and H. Tzavellas). CA 429.
January 17: Jeehoon Han (Baylor University). Presenting “Poverty, Hardship, and Government Transfers.” (with coauthors Bruce D. Meyer (University of Chicago, NBER, and AEI) and James X. Sullivan (University of Notre Dame, LEO, and J-PAL). CA 438. Paper
February 21: Special Double Session (tentatively in CA231):
Volodymyr Lugovsky (Indiana University Bloomington) presenting “A Global Perspective on the Incidence of Monopoly Distortions” (with coauthors Siying Ding and Ahmad Lashkaripour) from 11:30p.m.-12:30p.m.
Daniela Puzzello (Indiana University Bloomington) presenting “Fiat Money with a Finite Horizon: Theory and Experimental Evidence” (with coauthors Janet Hua Jiang, Peter Norman, Bruno Sultanum, and Randall Wright) from 12:30p.m.-1:30p.m.
March 14: Ronia Hawash (Butler University). Presenting “Empowering Women: Could It Help Mitigate Climate Change?” CA 429.
April 4: Rick Harbaugh (Indiana University Bloomington). Presenting TBA. CA 231.
May 2: Chris Mills (University of Notre Dame). Presenting TBA. CA429
The seminar meets on Fridays from 11:30a.m.-1p.m. unless otherwise noted
Dr. Robert Sandy interacts with attendees at seminar.
Dr. Robert Sandy, Professor Emeritus for Economics, created this engaging seminar in order to bring economists to IU Indianapolis, from outside and inside of Indiana University. The seminar series presents a wide array of economic topics. Although the seminar’s principal audience are the faculty and students of the Department of Economics in the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis – the seminar is open, and often attracts attendees from across the campus community as well as the general public of Indianapolis.
For more information, contact seminar organizer Rich Steinberg.
The Department of Economics at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis has a special focus on the intersection of economics and healthcare. With a Ph.D. program in Health Economics, proximity to the teaching hospitals of Indiana University, and a location in the heart of Indianapolis, the Department of Economics is uniquely positioned to offer this focused seminar series. Join the faculty and students of IU Indianapolis as well as economic and health professionals from across central Indiana to investigate how the study of economics informs and influences the many facets of health, healthcare, and related policy in our communities and across the globe.
For more information, contact seminar organizer.
The Economic Theory Workshop of the department of economics of Indiana University Indianapolis will meet on certain Fridays from 1.30p.m. to 2.30p.m. The workshop is intended for faculty and graduate students and will focus on topics that have broad appeal to economists. While the workshop is in economic theory, the discussions will not be just purely theoretical. Empirically based papers that have substantial connection to interesting ideas in economics are also welcome. The format of the workshop will be in the form of a seminar presentation by a speaker. Presentations can be finished research papers, works in progress, or a paper that some of us are interested in reading and discussing. Anyone interested in participating should contact the coordinator Subir Chakrabarti.