
Posted on November 19th, 2021 in Students, Students/Alumni by Aaron Dusso

By Erin M. Engels, Clinical Associate Professor While the world is captivated by the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, at IUPUI we are following the hottest trial in Midlands – literally.  Maybe you are not familiar with State v. Dakota Sutcliffe.  Sutcliffe is accused of setting fire to Chuggies Bar in Midlands.  A firefighter died while …

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Beth W
Posted on October 22nd, 2021 in Alumni, Research, Students/Alumni, Teaching by Aaron Dusso

Beth Windisch who graduated from IUPUI with a Bachelor of Arts’ degree in Political Science in 2005 returned to campus earlier this month to be a guest speaker in Professor Scott Pegg’s POLS Y219 Introduction to International Relations class. Since graduating from IUPUI, Beth has remained actively engaged in terrorism and security studies research. Her …

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POLS Signature internships
Posted on October 5th, 2021 in Internships, Students/Alumni by Aaron Dusso

Several students are completing internships in Political Science and Paralegal Studies.  If you are interested in completing an internship next semester, please contact our Internship Director – Professor Engels at What’s it like to do an internship? Bri – Hey everyone! My name is Bri and I am currently a Junior at IUPUI. I …

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School of Liberal Arts logo with leafs falling
Posted on October 1st, 2021 in Events, Students/Alumni by Aaron Dusso

By Erin M. Engels, Associate Clinical Professor, Pre-Law Advisor, Paralegal Studies Director IUPUI students in the Legal Studies and Paralegal Studies programs learned about careers in the legal field during two recent panels held as part of IUPUI Fall Career Week September 20-24. So You Want to Go to Law School was help on September …

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US three covers smaller
Posted on September 21st, 2021 in Faculty, Teaching by Aaron Dusso

By John McCormick All of us who have been through college – as students or professors – are familiar with textbooks: those sometimes long and often expensive tomes designed to summarize everything an instructor wants to cover in a course. We’re also familiar with the differences between the good, the bad, and the ugly ones. …

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Demirel Pegg image  width
Posted on September 17th, 2021 in Faculty by Aaron Dusso

Professor Demirel-Pegg was invited to an online discussion on protests at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. Students, lecturers, and faculty began demonstrating peacefully in early January 2021, following the appointment of Melih Bulu as the rector of the University. Melih Bulu, who was previously not a faculty member of Boğaziçi University, was brought to this …

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Political Science voting featured image
Posted on September 1st, 2021 in Faculty, Teaching by Aaron Dusso

by Aaron Dusso We look at election results and voting trends in my class Voting, Elections, and Public Opinion (POLS Y317) all the time. However, I sometimes forget that many folks don’t ever take a class like this. Well, let me direct you to the Pew Research Center, which does excellent work breaking down voting …

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TDP and AD
Posted on August 2nd, 2021 in Faculty, Research by Aaron Dusso

Dr. Demirel-Pegg and Dr. Aaron Dusso’s work titled “Partisanship versus Democracy: Voting in Turkey’s Competitive Authoritarian Election,” was recently published in the journal Political Studies Review. Abstract Do voters care about anti-democratic behavior by their leaders? While political pundits and academics often hope that they do, there has been little research that tests the effects …

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Posted on June 13th, 2021 in Faculty, Featured by Aaron Dusso

by Scott Pegg In 2017, I travelled to the unrecognized Republic of Somaliland as an international election observer for their presidential elections. In May 2021, I again had the chance to return to Somaliland as an international election observer for their parliamentary and local council elections held on May 31, 2021. This time, I was …

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