One of the many things we’ve learned throughout the last two years of the global pandemic is that everyone needs a little help every now and then. A wise person once said to me “Don’t be shy about asking for help. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, it only means you’re wise.”
Did you know that IUPUI has many programs that aid students facing financial challenges? IUPUI has a webpage that has links to a multitude of programs!
On this page, you will find information on emergency funding for those approaching graduation, internet access discounts, expanded SNAP benefits, some limited additional funding for international students, and more!
Also don’t forget about Paws’ Pantry and Closet! Paws’ Pantry & Closet can help with food and clothing. All you need is your valid CrimsonCard.
You can also ask Aunt Bertha for help. Who is Aunt Bertha? If you google Aunt Bertha, it will take you to a website called findhelp.org, a social care network. I’d always been told the term “Aunt Bertha” was used to allow people to suggest help without embarrassing someone in need. I must admit I had erroneous information. From the creator of Aunt Bertha, “Aunt Bertha was a sort of a code name that ended up sticking. Originally it was a play on Uncle Sam—Aunt Bertha picks up where Uncle Sam leaves off. We’ve all had tough times, and need a helping hand every now and then. Almost all of us will at some point in our lives.”
Remember, “Don’t be shy about asking for help. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, it only means you’re wise.”