IU Indianapolis students from all majors are welcome! Writing consultants talk about the writing process with all levels of writers to help them feel more confident–listening to writers talk out their ideas, reading the writing out loud, sharing writing strategies, sharing writing resources, and helping writers feel connected to and supported in the IU Indianapolis community!
Working at the University Writing Center helps you build and practice skills necessary to every field and career path:
- Oral communication – Talk about ideas, give feedback, facilitate UWC workshops, write-on-sites, and/or Difficult Conversations events
- Interpersonal communication – Work with individuals and on teams through participation in UWC committees and projects focused on online and multimodal consulting resources, research & assessment, social media, workshops, write-on-sites and writing groups
- Multimodal communication – Support writers and collaborate on UWC (and ePortfolio Studio) projects across various digital platforms and modalities
- Creativity – Help writers brainstorm, develop ideas, and problem-solve; participate in inquiry and research in UWC projects that lead to conference presentations and publications
- Project planning – Improve, maintain, and advertise the University Writing Center’s programs and services through participation in UWC committees and projects focused on language & cultural diversity, online and multimodal consulting resources, research & assessment, social media, workshops, write-on-sites and writing groups
- Writing – learn about citation systems like APA as well as genres you rarely use in your field
Expectations and Skills
- Collaborate through in-person as well as synchronous and asynchronous online writing consultations with university students and faculty at all levels and from diverse backgrounds
- Talk with students about their projects and offer insights into the writing process
- Learn about writing within a variety of disciplines as you help students master writing for different audiences
- Participate in UWC program revision, development, and facilitation through participation in UWC committees and projects focused on online and multimodal consulting resources, research & assessment, social media, workshops, write-on-sites and writing groups
- Complete ENG-W397/597, a writing center theory and practice course, or equivalent. This course is taught each fall semester.
- See job descriptions for more details: Entry-Level Writing Consultant, Experienced Writing Consultant, Advanced Writing Consultant, Graduate Writing Consultant, Graduate Writing Consultant, Program/Committee Coordinator
Academic and Research Opportunities
The Perks of Being a Writing Consultant
- Supportive coworkers who have a blast all day, every day
- Flexible hours, starting at $11/hour
Read About Working at the UWC from Former Consultants
Why Being a Consultant Changes You by Lindsey Taylor
Five Reasons to Work at the Writing Center as a Non-English Major by Emily Rasmussen
Dungeons and Dragons and Writing–oh my! by Michael Botta
Relationality in the Writing Center by Grace Rosenbarger
An Aspiring Professor: The Lessons of Writing Center Pedagogy by Michael Botta
New Traveler on the Tundra by Ethan Marley
What’s in my Name by Jessica (Aoxuan) Cao