University Writing Center Blog

Posted on April 4th, 2017 in Consulting, Opportunity, Writing Center Work by Marilee Brooks-Gillies

Are you interested in working at the University Writing Center?

Writing consultants have the opportunity to 1) work one-to-one mentoring and supporting writers from across campus, 2) build and sustain meaningful University Writing Center programming focused on digital resources, language and cultural diversity, writing center assessment, campus and community outreach, and writing across the curriculum, and 3) engage in inquiry and research in the areas of Writing Studies and Writing Center Studies and present at conferences, publish their work, and apply their work in the UWC.

In particular (and I doubt this will be a surprise to you), we’ve found that students who are not only strong writers but good communicators in class and in small groups make the best consultants. To become writing consultants, students must first take ENG-W396 Writing Center Theory & Practice (previously ENG-W496), which provides students with hands-on experience in the writing center alongside readings, conversations, and projects about writing center and composition pedagogies, theories, and practices. Our Director, Dr. Brooks-Gillies, will be teaching the course this fall (M/W 12:00-1:15pm). All IUPUI undergraduate students are eligible to take the course (after completing ENG-W131 or the equivalent) and can apply to work at the University Writing Center after completing the course. You can learn more about employment at the University Writing Center from our website: The UWC is also hosting a meet and greet for students interested in working at the UWC from 4-5pm on W 4/12 in our main location in CA 427.

If you’re interested, please contact Dr. Brooks-Gillies at Write a short message indicating your interest. Tell her how employment at the UWC could support your learning and career goals. Please feel free to ask questions. We’d also highly recommend that you visit one of our two locations (CA 427 and UL 2125) and talk to current writing consultants about their experiences.