Grace Makaza

Appointments and Positions
Graduate Research Assistant



  • PhD in Health Communication, Indiana University Indianapolis 2024-Present 
  • Master of Arts in Communication, Saint Louis University 2021-2023
  • Bachelor of Science in Library and Information Science, University of Science & Technology, Zimbabwe 2015-2019

Women health, sexual and reproductive health communication


Rose Douglass

Appointments and Positions
Maternal and Child Health Director, Indiana Department of Health




PhD Health Communication 2023-present
MPA Public Management and Policy Analysis
BA Communication Studies

Lactation support, infant sleep, toxic stress and trauma

Douglass, R. (2024, March 28). Music For Social Change: Feminism in 90’s Grunge [Conference
            presentation and graduate panel discussion]. 
2024 IU Indianapolis Communication Day,
            Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Douglass, R. & Chavez, L. (2024, April 8). Rebuilding WIC: Reshaping the workplace through
            trauma education, safety, and compassion [Conference presentation]. 
2024 NWA
            Leadership and Training Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.
Douglass, R. (2024, April 18). You’re Doing it Wrong: New mothers’ perception of infant feeding
            depictions in entertainment media [Conference presentation]. 
2024 IU Indianapolis
            Graduate Day of Scholarship, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Douglass, R. & Chavez, L. (2024, June 25). Leading With Love: Trauma-Informed Care and
            Communicating With Compassion [Conference presentation]. 
2024 WIC Peer Counselor
            Retreat, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

R Maina

Robert Maina

Appointments and Positions

Research Assistant- attached to The Speaker’s Lab; Indiana University Indianapolis,
School of Liberal Arts, Department of Communication Studies


2024- Ongoing - PhD. Health Communication- Indiana University Indianapolis

2017-2019 M.A. Communication Studies: United States International University-Africa, (Nairobi Kenya).
Thesis: Vernacular media in controlling cancer in central Kenya: A case of Inooro TV’s ‘Uria Ndagitari’ show.

2012-2016 Bachelor of Education, (Arts) Kenyatta University
Major: English and Literature. Minor; Theatre Arts

Knowledge attitude and practice gap in health; Cancer and other noncommunicable diseases; Communicating science; Artificial Intelligence; Mental health; Media and health behavior change; The role of the arts in health promotion.

Maina, R. R., & Kisila, S. M. (2023). African factors in cancer control: Perspectives from Inooro TV’s “Uria Ndagitari” (Ask the doctor). Journal of Communication and Media Research, 15(1): 138-147.

Saadia, A.A. & Maina, R.R. (2025, February 14-February 17). Health communication support for mental health stigma among internally displaced women in Somalia [Paper Presentation]. Western States Communication Association 95th Annual Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.

Magack, M. E. & Maina, R. R. (2023, November 16-18, 2023). Examining donors' perception of the communications strategies used by food banking Kenya in curbing food loss and wastage [Paper Presentation]. International Communication Association in Africa Regional Conference, University of Cape Town and University Stellenbosch University South Africa.

Maina, R. R. (2023, June 9). The dependability of new vernacular media to the control of cancer in contextual African populations: An analysis of Uria Ndagitari (Ask the Doctor) by Inooro TV Kenya [Paper Presentation]. The Strategic Health Communication Workshop, Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Maina, R. R., Lomoywara D. B., & Talaam, I., (2020, September, 23-24). Marrying NVivo with NodeXL: A qualitative social media research methodology [Paper Presentation]. The NVivo Virtual Conference 2020- Qualitative Research in a Changing World Virtual Conference.

University students and educators' perceptions towards the use of virtual reality in teaching public speaking-

Principal Investigator: Dr. Beth Goering. Indiana University Indianapolis, School of Liberal Arts, Department of Communication Studies.

Research Site: School of Liberal Arts Speaker’s Lab, Indiana University Indianapolis, Department of Communication Studies.

Project Associate; DiasporaScholarsTV, Kenya Scientists and Professionals Network (KESNET) (2024 – Present)
YouTube Channel
  • Organizes and leads sessions with university students across North America, encouraging resilience and mental well-being.
  • Provided mentorship to students, addressing academic, social, and emotional challenges.
  • Facilitated discussions on graduate school life, post-graduate school life, and building community.
Social Media Manager; Kenyans in Science, Technology, and Mathematics Association (KiSA) (2024 – Present)
  • Advocating for mental health awareness through targeted online campaigns.
  • Engaging diaspora communities in STEM conversations to revolutionize Kenyan and African Diaspora STEM.


E AsareEmmanuel Asare

Appointments and Positions  

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication Studies, IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2024-Present)
School of Liberal Arts Graduate Representative – IU Indianapolis Graduate and Professional Student Government General Assembly (2024 – present)
Executive Board Member – Liberal Arts Student Council (2024-present)
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Communication Studies, IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2023-2024)

Ph.D. in Health Communication – Indiana University, Indianapolis (2023- Present)
MPH – Ensign Global College, Kpong - Ghana (2021- 2022)
BSc (Public Health and Allied Sciences) – Catholic University, Fiapre- Ghana,(2009-2011)

Mental Health, Patient-Provider Communication, Public Health, Community Engaged Participatory Research, and Global Health

Outstanding Graduate Research Project, IUPUI Department of Communication Studies, 2024 (Competitively awarded) 
Communication Studies Department Travel Award (Competitively awarded; Partial travel funding to NCA conference, Fall 2024) 
Petronio-Bantz Graduate Student Travel Award (Competitively awarded; Partial travel funding to NCA Conference, Fall 2024) 
IUPUI-Graduate and Professional Education Grant (GPEG) (Competitively awarded; (Funded travel National Communication Association 110th Conference, Fall 2024) 
NCA Student Caucus Travel Grant (Competitively awarded; Partial funding for 110th Convention NCA 109th Annual Convention, Fall 2024) 
IUPUI-Graduate and Professional Education Grant (GPEG) (Competitively awarded; (Funded travel National Communication Association 109th Conference, Fall 2023) 
NCA Student Caucus Travel Grant (Competitively awarded; Partial funding for 109th Convention NCA 109th Annual Convention, Fall 2023) 

Akpene Ama AvorAkpene Ama Avor

Appointments and Positions

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication Studies, IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2023-Present)
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Communication Studies, IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2023-2024)
Equity scholar, Indiana University, Indianapolis (2025-Present)


Ph.D. in Health Communication – Indiana University, Indianapolis (2023- Present)
MA in Communication – University of Ghana, Legon- Accra (2014- 2015)
BA (English and Linguistics) – University of Ghana, Legon-Accra. (2002-2006)

Women’s health- Adolescent Reproductive health, Patient-Provider communication on PCOS, Disclosure of Health information, Public Health, Health Equity

NCA Student Caucus Travel Grant (Competitively awarded; Partial funding for 110th Convention NCA 110th Annual Convention, Fall 2024)

IUPUI-Graduate and Professional Education Grant (GPEG) (Competitively awarded; (Funded travel National Communication Association 110th Conference, Fall 2024)

Ernest Agorde

Appointments and Positions

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication Studies at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2022-Present)



PhD in Health Communication – IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2022 – Present) MPhil in Communication Studies – University of Ghana, Legon (2017) BA in English and Philosophy – University of Cape Coast, Ghana (2009)

Health communication, health information seeking behaviors, user experience (UX) in the context of health communication technologies and platforms, role/impact of emerging communication technologies on health outcomes, communication ethics, communication theories and models

Fundamentals of Speech Communication

Persis Ayeh

Appointments and Positions

Director, Department of Communication Studies Speaker’s Lab, Indiana University Indianapolis (2024– Present)
Collaborator – Virtual Reality Research on Public Speaking and Medical Training, Indiana University Indianapolis (2023 – Present)
Adjunct Professor, Indiana University Indianapolis (2021 – 2024)
Research Assistant – Recruitment and Community Engagement Leader, Wang Sickle Cell Research, Indiana University School of Medicine (2022 – 2024)
Study Participant Follow-Up Coordinator, Wang Sickle Cell Research, Indiana University School of Medicine (2022 – 2024)


Ph.D. Candidate in Health Communication, Indiana University Indianapolis (Expected May 2025)
           Minor: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
M.S. in Communication Studies, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (May 2021)
B.A. in Communication Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana (May 2018)

Health communication, health campaigns and message design, health information seeking and management, health prevention, and control and new media

Fundamentals of Speech Communication

  • Exploring the communication dynamics of social support among caregivers of adult Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patients.
  • Investigating the role of culturally tailored communication in improving caregiver outcomes.
  • Chronic illness management and health equity for underrepresented populations.

Ayeh, P., et al. (2023). Strategies in Recruitment and Retention of Patients with Sickle Cell Disease for a Single-Site Longitudinal Clinical Trial. Blood, 142, 2306.

Manuscripts in Progress:

  • "Black/African Americans and Sickle Cell Clinical Trials: The Role of Knowledge, Distrust, and Information Sources."
  • "Increasing the Viability of Acupuncture as a Medicare-Approved Pain Management Option for Individuals Affected by SCD."
  • "If You Don’t Own It, It’s Not Yours to Tell: Exploring the (Non)Disclosure of COVID-19 Positive Diagnosis in University Communities."
  • Black/African Americans in Willingness to Participate in Sickle Cell Clinical Trials: The Roles of Knowledge, Distrust, and Information Sources.
    • 110th Annual National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA, November 2024. International | Paper Presentation
  • Online Forums for Suicidal Support: How SuicideWatch Redditors Form Relationships.
    • 110th Annual National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA, November 2024. International | Paper Presentation
  • Innovations in Health Communication: Addressing Language Barriers for International Students in the USA and Poland.
    • Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY, April 2024. International | Poster Presentation
  • "If You Don't Own It, It's Not Yours to Tell": Exploring the (Non)Disclosure of COVID-19 Positive Diagnosis Among Members in a University Community.
    • 4th Annual Midwest Medical Humanities Student Conference, Indianapolis, IN, March 2024. Local | Paper Presentation
  • Strategies in Recruitment and Retention of Patients with Sickle Cell Disease for a Single-Site Longitudinal Clinical Trial.
    • 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, December 2023. Regional | Poster Presentation
  • Exploring the Effectiveness of Toilet Talks as a Source of Health Information.
    • Graduate Day of Scholarship, IU School of Liberal Arts and Philanthropy, Indianapolis, IN, April 2022. Local | Poster Presentation
    • International Conference Communication & Culture, 22nd Annual International Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, May 2022. International | Paper Presentation
  • Lieber Memorial Associate Instructor Award, Spring 2024.
  • Department of Communication Studies Dissertation Research Support Award, Fall 2024.
  • Best Poster Award – Graduate Day of Scholarship, IU School of Liberal Arts and Philanthropy, April 2022.
  • Petronio-Bantz Travel Award Winner ($800 for Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Spring 2024).
  • Communication Studies Department Travel Award ($700 for 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, Fall 2023).
  • NCA Student Caucus Travel Grant – Partial funding for 110th NCA Annual Convention, Fall 2024.
  • Volunteer, Susuter Incorporated:
    • Supported Sickle Cell Disease caregivers through advocacy, community events, and resource provision.
    • Co-authored a youth workbook addressing medical bullying, nearing pilot testing.
  • Community Co-Leader, AfricaLogical Institute – Community Health Equity Study:
    • Organized health equity awareness sessions and engaged over 300 participants.
  • Youth Mentor and Creative Facilitator – Crossroads Church, January 2024 – Present.
    • Taught creative and technical skills in video editing and vocational training.
    • Oversaw production of media projects featured at community events.

Jacob R. Watson

Appointments and Positions

Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication Studies at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2023-Present)
Research Associate, Global Health Communication Center at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2018-Present)
Research Assistant, Department of Communication Studies at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2021-2023)


PhD in Health Communication – IU Indianapolis (In Progress)
MA in Applied Communication Studies - IU Indianapolis (2021)
BA in Communication Studies - IU Indianapolis (2018)
AA in American Sign Language - Vincennes University (2016)

Vaccine equity, mental health, global health, transportation/infrastructure and health, ethnography 

Watson, J. (May 2021). Promoting flu and COVID vaccine equity: A collaborative, grant-funded promotional video and research project. Video presented at the International Conference “Communication & Culture”, presented remotely.

Odugleh-Kolev, A., Thomson, A., Parrish-Sprowl, S., Zuber, M., Ziberi, L., Goodin, L., Watson, J., Rascon, N., Lamb, M., & Parrish-Sprowl, J. (November 2020).

Communication at the crossroads: The trend towards complexity and quantum theory in the social sciences creates challenges and opportunities for communication theory and practice. [Conference Session]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Guaralda, M., Watson, J., & Lamb, M. (November 2020). Are we making cities that make us sick? COVID-19, shelter in place, and the importance of public space for human health. [Conference Session]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Grant, National Minority Quality Forum - $17,000 awarded to develop innovative programs to promote flu vaccination among people of color. (2020)

Sam H. Jones Community Service Scholarship- SLA Award Service-Learning Assistant (2020)

Darla J. Imhausen-Slaughter

Appointments and Positions Research Assistant, Department of Communication Studies at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (August 2020—Present) Executive Director, End Lung Cancer Now, a lung cancer advocacy network (November 2020-present)

Emilie Madsen


Clarissa Bowers-Cheslyn

Appointments and Positions Director of Learning, Carrot Fertility (2021-present) Research Assistant, Department of Communication Studies at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2019-present) Assistant Speech and Debate Coach and Adjunct Faculty, Department of Communication at University of Indianapolis (2018-present) Associate Faculty, Department of English at Ivy Tech (2017-2019) [rtbs name="clarissa-bowers-cheslyn"]

Kelsey E. Binion

Appointments and Positions Adjunct Faculty, Department of Communication Studies at the IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis (2020-present) Research Assistant, Department of Pediatric Urology (NIH grant: K23DK111987) at IU School of Medicine (2020-present) Student Trustee, Indiana University (2021-present) Liberal Arts Representative, Graduate and Professional Student Government at IU Indianapolis (2019-present) [rtbs name="kelsey-e-binion"]

Lisann Goodin

Katherine E. Ridley-Merriweather

Appointments and Positions 

Communication, Recruitment, and Outreach Manager, Biospecimen Collection and Banking Core, IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center (August, 2021 – present) Communication and Minority Outreach Coordinator, Komen Tissue Bank, IUSCCC/IUSOM (January 2011 – August 2021)

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Anne L. Myers

Appointments and Positions Research Project Manager, IU School of Nursing   [rtbs name="anne-l-myers"]

Natalie Martin

Appointments and Positions Health Promotion Manager, Everside Health (2014-present)   [rtbs name="natalie-martin"]

Tiffany Hecklinski

Rodger D. Johnson

Susanna Foxworthy Scott

Appointments and Positions Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Butler University (2021-present) Member, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fundraising Committee, National Communication Association (2021-Present) President and Secretary, Graduate Communication Club, Department of Communication Studies at the IU School of Liberal Arts (2017-2020) [rtbs name="susanna-foxworthy-scott"]

Rachael A. Hernandez

Appointments and Positions Assistant Professor, University of Missouri  - 2021-Present Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Missouri - 2019-2021 Communication Coordinator, Indiana University School of Medicine  - 2016-2019 Research Assistant, Indiana University Indianapolis - 2015-2019 [rtbs name="rachael-a-hernandez"]

Janet Panoch

Appointments and Positions 2020 - current Visiting Assistant Research Professor, IU School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics 2018-2020 Resource Development Manager, Amputee Coalition, Washington, DC 2017-2018 Research Assistant, IU School of Medicine, Pediatric Endocrinology, Tamara Hannon, MD 2017-2018 2017-2018 Research Assistant, IU School of Medicine, Pediatric Urology, Katharine Chan, MD 2017-2018 Research Assistant, IU School of Medicine, Children’s Health Services Research, Nerissa Bauer, MD 2017-2018 Research Assistant, IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis, Communication Studies, Graduate Director Marianne Matthias, PhD 2013-2018 Research Assistant, IU School of Medicine, Dept. of Obstetrics, Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds, MD 2013-2020 Graduate Student Mentor, IU School of Informatics, Clinical Information Systems Course [rtbs name="janet-panoch"]

Daniel Youngjoon Park

[rtbs name="daniel-youngjoon-park"]

Timothy A. Barshinger

Appointments and Positions

Product and Strategy Director for Patient Support and Adherence at IQVIA

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Aaron S. Deason

Appointments and Positions

Lecturer, University of Houston- Victoria Speech and Communication Center, Director UHV Center for Teaching Excellent, New Faculty Mentor

[rtbs name="aaron-s-deason"]

Amanda M. Harsin

Appointments and Positions

Ivy Tech Community College Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Madison campus 2017-present Purdue Extension-Jefferson County, Health and Human Sciences Advisory Board 2021-present Indiana University East Adjunct Faculty 2014-present Ivy Tech Community College Associate Professor, Liberal Arts Program Chair 2009-2017 IU Indianapolis Research Assistant 2014-2016 Hanover College Visiting Faculty 2008-2009 Ivy Tech Community College Adjunct Faculty 2007-2009

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Nicole L. Johnson

Appointments and Positions

IU Indianapolis Research Assistant (2014-2018) Health Services Research Assistant, Center for Health Information & Communication, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center (2018-2019) Patient Safety Research Fellow, Center for Health Information & Communication, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center (2019-2020) (June 2020-present)Health Services Research Specialist, Center for Access & Delivery Research and Evaluation, Ethnographic Methods and Implementation Core, Iowa City VA Health Care System (June 2020-present)

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