Department Sponsored Theatre Productions

Be a part of the theatre and let yourself shine

Do you have unexplored skills in performance, playwriting or “behind the scenes” interests? Consider challenging yourself, having an artistic voice and developing those talents by being a part of our annual departmental theatre production.

We Have to Share Our Story
Devised Theatre Process in a Pandemic
Acting --- It’s a Study! It’s a Work!
Indianapolis Theatre Community


Traditionally, the Theatre program officially produces one theatrical production a year (usually during the Spring Semester) in the IU School of Liberal Arts Cavanaugh Theater (CA003). Though the tech-week and performance itself take place in an extra-curricular context, the play rehearsal and production elements are facilitated by a course offering called COMMT100 “Rehearsal and Performance”. In prior years, the theatrical works produced here (all specifically chosen with smaller casts, design choices and technical needs that could be supported in our unique venue) ran the gamut of classics, comedies and conventional dramas with great success

However, as part of a “new generation of innovative and impactful artistry” started in the Spring of 2020, you’ll be able to make bold moves in support of a new applied theatre focus and utilize this yearly production as a means to showcase devised work (original dramatic material generated by a student ensemble in which you actively participate and make choices to shape the work) based on a relevant social justice theme! For example, in the Spring of 2020 the T100 interdisciplinary ensemble (with a committed cast of nine) facilitated this process and explored the topics of acceptance and tolerance. Though the pandemic affected certain aspects of the production and the outcomes related to performance and venue as reflected by participants in this Youtube video, the program was able to utilize this moment and adapt its theatrical storytelling. The final work entitled Let Me Help You Live! was transformed for a new digital platform. with tremendous aplomb and enabled the capacity to have these artists reach an even wider audience with their characters, messages and ideas.


Are you interested in what this can look like? Watch the final result here:


Though we hope that your production involvement will not be impacted by the ANY pandemic, our prior experience in collaborating with individuals, entities and support staff in the School of Liberal Arts and Communication Studies, leave you well poised and informed to successfully tackle this challenge again and help your unique work find its audience!