Professional Development

The Hoosier Writing Project can assist you in designing a professional development plan that meets one or all of the writing and literacy goals for your school or district. Our Teacher Consultants possess in-depth content knowledge that supports the Indiana State Standards. Teacher Consultants present research-based, classroom-tested practices, model effective writing instruction, and facilitate time for participants to apply newly acquired knowledge to their unique teaching contexts and classrooms.

Topics for Professional Development

The Hoosier Writing Project can work with administrators and teachers to design professional development on a range of topics. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Teaching Argument
  • Teaching Different Genres: From Memoir to Manifestoes, Poetry to Pamphlets
  • Content-Area Writing and Reading (They’re Not Just for English Teachers)
  • Teaching Revision
  • Developing Writer’s Workshop
  • Responding to Student Writing: Beyond Red Pens and Rubrics

Funding for Professional Development

Fees for contracted workshop series are based on the number of sessions and teacher participants. Participants are eligible to receive professional growth points. HWP programs may be supported with categorical funding sources such as Title I (IIUSP / High Priority / Program Improvement Schools / Migrant Education); Title II (Standards-aligned professional development); and Title III (English Learners). In addition, HWP programs have been financially supported in the past by a variety of district and school initiatives.

For more information, contact Steve Fox,, 317-278-2054.