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Alumni Spotlight: John Coberg II

Finding Your Calling

John Coberg II

John Coberg II wanted to change the world. His passion for health and research led him to IU Indianapolis, where he studied sociology, looking forward to finding a career that allowed him to delve deeper into substance abuse disorder, mental health, homelessness, and queer sexual health education.

John’s life changed in 2015 when he was diagnosed with HIV, and again in 2016 when he enrolled in Dr. Carrie Foote’s “Aids and Society” class, which combines classroom and service-learning opportunities. After hearing a renowned HIV activist speak on HIV criminalization, John felt inspired to get involved and make a difference. He approached Foote, and together they began working on an HIV legislation reform project. In 2016, they launched the HIV Modernization Movement-Indiana (HMM) with Professor Foote as a statewide chair and John as a co-chair.

John’s outstanding work in service-learning was recognized in 2017 when he was awarded the Sociology Service Learning Award. John knew that he had made an impact, but this award validated his hard work and dedication and encouraged him to continue advocating for HIV de-criminalization while pursuing a graduate degree in sociology.

John found his calling at IU Indianapolis. A passionate advocate, researcher, and leader, he’s been instrumental in changing the lives of Hoosiers living with HIV and those who love them – and he’s not done yet

Alums Stay Involved and Engaged with the Department of Sociology

Locally or internationally, you can stay engaged with Sociology in these ways:

  • Host interns
  • Mentor students
  • Write for the Sociology blog
  • Guest Speaking
  • Attend Sociology Events
  • Share your Expertise
  • Help Build our Sociology alumni network
  • Got a project idea? Let us know!

Know of an alumnus who is doing great work for the program? Nominate them for an Alumni Award.

Contact us to let us know how you would like to be engaged!