Faculty Research

The Department of Sociology has nationally and internationally recognized scholars who study individuals, groups, institutions, and societies using a variety of quantitative and qualitative techniques. From health & medicine, aging & the life course, and gender & sexuality to religion, family, culture, and politics, our faculty conduct research that sheds light on important social processes and has practical applications for improving social life.

  • Jerry Daday headshot image
    Dr. Daday is interested in high-impact educational practices, scholarship of teaching and learning, quantitative methodology, violence and victimization, and human-wildlife conflict.
  • Dr. Eitle has research interests in race and ethnicity, mental health, and education. She is Dean of the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts.
  • Carrie Foote headshot image
    Dr. Carrie’s work focuses on HIV stigma and criminalization policy reform and the 2015 HIV outbreak among people who inject drugs in Scott County, Indiana.
  • Devon Hensel headshot image
    Dr. Hensel’s research interests center on the emotional, relational and behavioral context of sexuality and sexual behavior.
  • Kenzie Latham Mintus headshot image
    Dr. Mintus’ research interests include health and aging with an emphasis on disability. Much of her research focuses on understanding health disparities among older adults.
  • Carly E. Schall's headshot image
    Dr. Schall’s research focuses on immigration, race/ethnicity, politics and culture in modern Sweden, focusing particularly on issues of social belonging.
  • Peter J. Seybold's headshot image
    Dr. Seybold’s recent work includes research on the corporatization of the university and its consequences for students, faculty, and staff. He also has interests in the American Labor Movement and varieties of populism.
  • Amy Irby-Shasanmi's headshot image
    Dr. Shasanmi’s research and teaching interests are in health and illness (physical and mental) with an emphasis on gender and racial/ethnic disparities in health.
  • Brian Steensland's headshot image
    Dr. Steensland has interests in American religion, culture, and politics. He has written about guaranteed income policy, religious classification, and religion & politics. His current research focuses include contemporary spirituality and religious pluralism.
  • Robert W. White's headshot image
    Dr. White’s interests include the causes and consequences of small group political violence, which is often referred to as “terrorism”. His research is based on interviews with activists.
  • Andrew Whitehead headshot image
    Dr. Whitehead’s research interests generally focus on: Christian nationalism; religion and childhood disability; gender, sexuality, & religion

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