Career Preparation

The foundation for a new, emerging social world starts here

As a graduate with a Sociology degree, you will have a foundation for better understanding and engaging with the social world, and be equipped with the tools needed to make sense of the changing social world and contribute evidence-based solutions to social problems.

Sociology majors take their education in many directions, whether moving directly into a career or going on to graduate or professional studies.

Marketable skills

When you study sociology, you gain critical thinking skills, learn to use research tools, and develop knowledge of diverse people and populations. Your degree helps you to learn how to:

  • Construct and analyze persuasive arguments
  • Communicate effectively through written and oral presentation
  • Collect, analyze, and represent complex data
  • Understand social inequalities, group dynamics, and diverse perspectives

Your coursework also provides many opportunities to prepare for a lifetime of continual learning. You think critically and creatively, practice and apply scientific methods, and develop historic awareness. You learn to work in a team, use contemporary technical tools, reason quantitatively, and use persuasion to influence outcomes.

Marketable Skills for a Sociology Graduate’s Resume

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, Data Collection and Analysis, Leadership, Computer Literacy, Interpersonal communication and understanding, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Research Skills, Understanding of Social Problems

Career Exploration

  • Sociologists have opportunities to work in community services in many capacities. Studying sociology provides an excellent background in community development and growth as well as thinking critically about how to actively improve peoples’ wellbeing. In addition, sociology also provides a broad understanding of social problems at both small and large scales, so whether you work in childcare, at a local non-profit, or at a national environmental advocacy group, your degree with help you succeed.
    • Non-profit agencies
    • Urban planning
    • Childcare
    • Community development
    • Environmental groups
    • Advocacy
  • Sociologists are positioned to excel in health care fields because of our understanding of how society shapes health, illness, and recovery. Our understanding of how social factors shapes health outcomes provides great value in health services professions. We offer a BA concentration in Medical Sociology that focuses on the relationships between society, illness, health, and healthcare.
    • Family planning
    • Substance abuse education
    • Rehabilitation counseling
    • Hospital admissions
    • Insurance providers
  • Sociologists are leaders in understanding diversity, inclusion, human interaction, and institutions. This understanding, in addition to skills such as critical thinking, research methods, and interpersonal communication, makes sociology an excellent major for the world of business.
    • Public Relations
    • Marketing and sales
    • Consumer research
    • Human resources
    • Insurance
    • Real estate
    • Training
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Media
  • Sociologists work in higher education in many types of positions. Our cross-cultural understanding, interpersonal communication skills, and team-building and leaderships skills prepare you well for a career in higher education. With these skills and your experiences as a student, you can better serve future students who can learn from your skills and guidance.
    • Admissions
    • Advising
    • Alumni relations
    • Development
    • Administrative support
  • Sociology is an excellent field of study for a career in social services. Whether you want to work for government, private, or non-profit organizations, a background in sociology lays the groundwork for working to strengthen communities and promote equality and opportunity. A sociologist’s skills in community organizing, understanding profit and not-profit organizations, and cross-cultural understanding allow for numerous opportunities in career choices.
    • Rehabilitation
    • Case management
    • Youth services
    • Elderly services
    • Recreation
    • Administration
    • Social work
    • Local, state, and federal agencies
  • Sociologists study how laws, policies, and politics shape peoples’ lives. We are well-suited to legal careers because we understand how laws and social institutions influence individual and group behavior. Sociologists can specialize by studying criminology or political sociology, two of a number of specialties that offer excellent preparation for law school.
    • Attorney
    • Probation and Parole administration
    • Judicial affairs
    • Paralegal
    • Investigations
  • Sociology is based on research and writing. This makes sociology a great background for publishing and journalism. Whether writing and publishing on your own, for a newspaper, or for a scientific journal, a background in sociology will give skills in writing proficiency, research design, and analysis that equip you to be successful.
    • Professional writing
    • Research
    • Editing
    • Journalism

Career Advising

Guidance as you plan your career

As you study sociology and begin to explore various career fields, you’ll have access to help from your academic advisor, the academic and career development office, and your undergraduate advisor Peter Seybold. They can help you find ways to strengthen and deepen the knowledge you already have, becoming more prepared for whatever path you select after college.

Pay attention to specific job descriptions and requirements. If there are areas where your skills or knowledge are lacking, talk with your advisor and the academic and career development office about how you can develop skills while at IU Indianapolis.

Academic Advising
Academic and Career Development office
Peter Seybold
Phone: (317) 278-2290

Sociology Resources

Links to Other Sociology Departments: