Graduate Studies

Graduate students image

Masters of Arts Degree in Sociology

Receive advanced training in sociological theory, statistics and research methods with a Master of Arts in Sociology at IUPUI.  The 30 or 36 credit graduate program prepares students for research careers, social services careers and PhD programs as well as equips those already in the work force with the critical skills necessary for assessing and applying sociological research methods and knowledge in their everyday responsibilities.

The program offers the option to focus one’s studies on medical sociology. Students can elect to complete an internship or master thesis.

As part of the Sociology Department, you’ll find yourself among a close community of scholars who are passionate about research and social change. Small class sizes allow for in-depth analyses and hands on applications of materials. You’ll learn from faculty who are nationally known for cutting edge research and social justice advocacy and who serve as teachers, mentors and supporters. IUPUI’s location in Indianapolis provides the professional and community opportunities that only an urban university can offer.

Students leave the program prepared for careers in social services and academic research and instruction, as well as nonprofit, market and government research. Those interested in pursuing a doctoral degree program also have a strong foundation in the field from which to continue their studies and research.

Application due dates: October 15th for spring semester admission and March 15th for fall semester admission.

PhD Minor

Students who are candidates for the Ph.D. degree in other departments may obtain a 12 credit minor in Sociology at IUPUI.

Graduate Non-Degree Program

The Graduate Non-Degree (GND) program may be an option for you if you would like to:

  • Explore Sociology or other courses for possible future enrollment in a graduate or professional degree program
  • Take Sociology or other courses for personal or professional enrichment.
  • If you need to take a Sociology or other course for licensing, such as for teaching, contact the department/school to determine the best way to proceed.

Newly Approved 5-Year BA/MA

  • IUPUI Sociology Majors can earn their B.A. and M.A. in 5 years
  • Students complete a total of 18 undergraduate hours and 12 graduate graduate hours (taken during their senior year)
  • Students declare their intent in their junior year
    • Requirements:
      • Completed at least 60 credit hours overall and 12 hours in the major, including: i) SOC-R100 (Introduction to Sociology), and ii) SOC-R359 Introduction to Sociological Statistics
      • Minimum GPA of 3.3 (B+) overall and a 3.5 (B+/A-) in their major coursework.

Get started:

  • Take a virtual tour of the IUPUI Campus.
  • Learn more about the Masters of Arts Degree in Sociology or the PhD Sociology Minor.
  • Learn more about the Graduate Non-degree (GND) program
  • Learn about admission requirements and how to apply to the MA Program.
  • Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions
  • E-mail or call Dr. Kenzie Mintus, Director of Graduate Studies, for details about the Sociology MA Graduate degree, PhD Minor and Graduate Non-degree program.

Brian Collins image“I am a 4th year Ph.D. student at IUPUI’s Urban Education Program. I must acknowledge the role that my experience in the sociology department played in my current role. Particularly my understanding of theory, scholarly writing, statistical data analysis and research methodology, all which have greatly served as skills needed within my Ph.D. program. I also want to acknowledge a hidden secret of the sociology department, its faculty. Throughout my time in the program, the faculty made themselves available to hearing my research ideas and providing suggestions, learning about my development in and out of the classroom, and in general being available to share a laugh with!”
— Brian Collins, MA Sociology