Have you ever wondered how ancient societies understood the natural world around them? The people of Ancient Greece and Rome conceptualized nature as a mixture of gods and science, peace and terror, prosperity and challenge. Rural farmers, sailing merchants, conquering armies, and urban dwellers all saw nature differently. They expressed their relationship to nature through poetry, visual arts, and architecture, as well as more prosaic concerns like gardens and fishing.
CLAS-B 314 serves as an introduction to the environment in ancient Greece and Rome. The goal of the course is to provide an easily accessible gateway to the Classical World, by way of an interesting and important area of research. By studying representative works of art, artifacts, and literature, you will explore topics including:
- how ancients viewed the environment
- the importance of religion in the natural world
- agriculture in Athens and Rome
- gardens and villas in Ancient Rome
- how modern people can learn from ancient environmental triumphs and mistakes
Most importantly, you will also learn to think critically about important questions: How did ancient Mediterranean societies conceptualize their relationship to the natural world? How did such conceptions evolve and function within the specific context of the ancient Mediterranean world? What social roles did these concepts play? How did societies shape ideas of the environment, and how did the environment shape societies? How are natural forces reflected in the literature and art of both ancient societies and our modern culture?
Want to explore how this course connects with the modern world? Check out our blog posts inspired by this course.
Fun Facts:
- 5 week, 1 credit “appetizer” class
- offered online asynchronous
- can be combined with other 1 credit “appetizer” classes
- no pre-reqs
- can be applied to the Classical Studies Minor
Coming Next: Spring 2024 (22243)
- 3rd 5 week session (3/18/2023–4/19/2023)
- online asynchronous
- Dr. Elizabeth Thill
Recent Offerings
Spring 2023 (2nd 5 wk)
- online asynchronous (Dr. Elizabeth Thill)