Scroll and Tablet Blog

Posted on February 20th, 2022 in Courses by Elizabeth W. Thill | Tags: , , , , , ,

Latin is not only the language of the Ancient Romans, but the language of centuries of scholarship, both scientific and religious. Cicero, Ovid, and Julius Caesar spoke Latin; Copernicus and St. Augustine wrote it; Jefferson, Hamilton, and Tolkien read it. As the parent language of 5 modern languages (including Spanish, French, and Italian) and the root language over 30% of English words, Latin teaches vocabulary and grammar skills that can facilitate further language acquisition, especially in medical and scientific fields. In our classes you will learn the basics of Latin vocabulary and grammar with an eye to developing direct reading comprehension. You will also learn about Ancient Roman society, literature, religion, and culture. For CLAS-L 131 all are welcome: no previous knowledge of Latin required.

Fun Facts:

  • GEC Cultural Understanding
  • offered online asynchronous
  • can be applied to World Language Requirements and the Classical Studies Minor
  • 4 credits

Coming Next: Fall 2024 (22078)

  • online asynchronous
  • Prof. Rebecca Reneau

Recent Offerings

Fall 2023
  • online asynchronous (Prof. Rebecca Reneau)
Fall 2022
  • online asynchronous (Prof. Rebecca Reneau)