Scroll and Tablet Blog

Posted on October 30th, 2024 in Students by Elizabeth W. Thill

The Classical Studies Program is proud to launch our new Virtual Homecoming Series, where we profile a graduated student (not a current graduate student, we don’t have any of those) to learn where they are in the current world, and how their love of the ancient world got them there. Our thanks to our inaugural victim, Becky Swayze

If you are a graduated student (even one who is currently also a graduate student) and you would like to be profiled for our blog, or just to check in and get in touch, please fill out our CLAS-from-the-past survey.

Let’s start with the basics. Name?

Becky Swayze

What years were you part of the IU-Whatever Classical Studies Program?


How were you involved in the Classical Studies Program?

I was a Classics Minor.

So, what are you up to these days?

After a four year career in medical IT management, I am now preparing to apply for grad school (Library Science). Looking forward to a new phase!

How did your time with the Classical Studies Program help you get where you are today, or to enjoy something you’ve done?

Me and my husband Parker [also a CLAS alum!] talk about classics all the time! Whether it’s discussing the quality of an allusion in a movie or debating the way some museum exhibits we have seen talk about Rome or Pompeii, it brings a great deal of color to our conversations. For myself alone, I would also say that the structure of the courses helped make me more critical of sources. While I would like to believe everything at face value, context does influence opinion greatly.

What was your favorite class in Classical Studies? Or favorite thing you learned?

Weirdly, I think about the concept of circumambulation a lot. At the museum of art in Detroit, there is a classics exhibit that is set on a path way overlooking a square opening into the atrium below. To view the art, you have to circle around that pathway. Probably unintentional from the curator, but I noticed it.

Augustus or Cleopatra?


OG Gladiator or Gladiator II (even if you haven’t seen them)?