Have you ever voted in an election? Been called for jury duty? Attended a play? Admired a building with soaring columns? Used words like antique, idol, dialogue, geography, grammar, architect, economy, encyclopedia, telephone, microscope… If so, your life has been touched by the culture of Ancient Greece, the birthplace of all these ideas and more.
CLAS-C 101 is a survey course that introduces you to ancient Greek culture, both as a distinct past society, and a force that continues to shape modern life. By studying representative works of art, artifacts, and literature, you will explore topics including:
- art
- architecture
- economics
- philosophy
- politics
- religion
- technology
- and more!
Most importantly, you will also learn to think critically about important questions: How was ancient society organized? What was daily-life like for various groups (elite and poor, free and enslaved, male and female…)? How do we interpret different types of evidence about the past, including written and archaeological sources? How do ancient cultures continue to shape the world we inhabit today?
Want to explore how this course connects with the modern world? Check out our blog posts inspired by this course.
Fun Facts:
- GEC Arts and Humanities
- offered in-person and online asynchronous
- can be applied to the Classical Studies Minor
- 3 credits
Coming Next: Fall 2024
- online asynchronous (25090)
- Dr. Martha Payne
Recent Offerings
Fall 2023
- online asynchronous (Dr. Martha Payne)
Fall 2022
- TR 10:30 – 11:45 AM (Dr. Andy Findley)
- online asynchronous (Prof. Justin Germain)