Scroll and Tablet Blog

Posted on January 24th, 2022 in Courses, Upcoming by Elizabeth W. Thill | Tags: , , , , ,

Ancient Rome is famous for its many innovations—technological, social, philosophical—that have had an outsized influence on the Eurocentric world. Rome of the 4th c. BCE saw the birth of republicanism and citizenship. The conquests of Italy and then Europe starting in the 2nd c. BCE established an empire that stretched from Britain to Syria and created a multicultural space that saw a fluorescence in the visual, literary, and scientific arts. Advances in architectural technology and urbanism changed the face of cities as we know them.

CLAS-C 361 explores the innovations across time of Ancient Rome, as a window into societies, ancient and modern. Drawing on literary and archaeological evidence, the course addresses fascinating topics, such as:

  • the development of Ancient Rome as a multicultural society in a multicultural world
  • scientific, philosophical, military, and artistic innovations in the ancient world
  • the role of empires and the military in cultural change
  • the legacy of Ancient Rome in the modern world
  • and more!!

Most importantly, you will learn to think critically about important questions: How was ancient society organized? How do we interpret different types of evidence about the past, including written and archaeological sources? How do ancient cultures continue to shape the world we inhabit today?

Want to explore how this course connects with the modern world? Check out our blog posts inspired by this course.

Fun Facts:

Coming Next: Fall 2024

CLAS-C 361 (31852) / HIST-C 396 (31853)
  • MW 12:00–1:15 PM
  • Dr. Andy Findley

Recent Offerings

Fall 2022
  • MW 1:30 – 2:45 PM (Dr. Andy Findley)