Posted on February 4th, 2022 in Courses by Elizabeth W. Thill | Tags: C491-plague, no_prereqs, online

As long as there have been societies, there have been plagues. Learn how the pre-modern world was shaped by plagues, and what we can learn for tomorrow. No pre-requisites necessary, just curiosity!
Fun Facts:
- no pre-requisites
- combined with MHHS-M 492
- online asynchronous
- MHHS-M 492 can be applied to the Medical Humanities and Health Studies Minor
- both CLAS-C 491 and MHHS-M 492 can be applied to the Classical Studies Minor
- 3 credits
Coming Next: Inquire with Program Director (Dr. Elizabeth Thill)
Interested in pairing this class with our other Summer Special Topics class: CLAS-C 491 Silent Voices: Sex and Gender in the Roman World, offered in Summer II? Just enroll in one or both classes under their alternate numbers (or click through for more information):
- Black Plague: MHHS-M 492 (27502)
- Sex and Gender: WGSS-W300 (14288)
Recent Offerings
Summer I 2023
- online asynchronous (Dr. Robin Reich)
Summer II 2022
- online asynchronous (Dr. Robin Reich)