Category: Faculty

Posted on June 10th, 2024 in Faculty, We Have Thoughts On That... by Elizabeth W. Thill

This is a summer of travel for Classical Studies faculty: Dr. Andy Findley went to Rome, and I, Dr. Liz Thill, unintentionally took a tour of small towns in upstate New York with classically inspired names (places visited or at least spotted: Seneca Falls, Ovid, Aurelius, Romulus, Camillus, Marcellus, Macedon, Palmyra, Tyre, Cato, and Victory). …

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Posted on May 18th, 2024 in Faculty, We Have Thoughts On That... by Elizabeth W. Thill

At the time of writing, Dr. Andy Findley is escorting a group of IU-Indy students through Rome as part of Herron’s Italian study abroad experience. Presumably, he at some point shared their itinerary with me (Dr. Thill), but I don’t remember, because my life is chaos and my mind is an often-cleaned whiteboard with no …

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Posted on May 13th, 2024 in Announcements, Faculty, We Have Thoughts On That... by Elizabeth W. Thill

It’s been a banner year for our IU-Indianapolis Classical Studies Professors: five faculty members received promotions and prestigious prizes. As our semester draws to a close, we take the time to celebrate our faculty’s achievements, in the great tradition of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, who deeply, deeply believed that nothing was more important than …

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Posted on October 6th, 2023 in Faculty, We Have Thoughts On That... by Elizabeth W. Thill

Recently Dr. Thill was working in her dark cave of academia, having brilliant thoughts about people who have been dead for 1800 years, when she received an email from IU-Indianapolis Social Media. This email informed her that there was a huge hot trend on social media about the Roman Empire, and the IU-Indianapolis Social Media …

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Posted on August 21st, 2023 in Announcements, Faculty, Teaching by Elizabeth W. Thill

The IUPUI Classical Studies Program is thrilled to announce a new full-time faculty member: Dr. Andy Findley! Funding requests for 150 days of celebratory games in his honor (including hippo hunts, where the hippos hunt the humans!) were denied, so we’ve settled for this post instead. Dr. Findley has been part of the IUPUI CLAS …

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Posted on October 11th, 2022 in Announcements, Faculty by Elizabeth W. Thill

Our fearless Program Director, Dr. Elizabeth Thill, was interviewed for a story in USA Today about a newly discovered Hercules statue at the site of Philippi in Greece: check it out here! The sculpture, which probably dates to the 2nd century CE, was found re-used in a Byzantine building from the 9th century CE, despite the …

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