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Maddie Theaman studying abroad in Cyprus
“I pursued a BA in Classics because I was interested in learning about the languages and cultures of the ancient Mediterranean, but I gained much more. Courses on mythology, archaeology, and ancient literature helped me to develop my writing and communication skills, while also teaching me to critically evaluate evidence and question how we know what we know.
Not only were these skills transferable and helpful while simultaneously pursuing my BA in English Literature, but the myths and stories I read as part of my Classics courses were relevant to my Literature courses. Whether they provided context for modern literature or simply explored similar themes, my study of ancient literature allowed me to explore modern literature on a deeper level.
While completing my BA in Classics, I was able to study abroad for a summer in Cyprus and attend an archaeological field school, as well assist a professor with a research project involving the digitization of ancient Roman artifacts. Both experiences encouraged me to learn more about digitization and handling artifacts, and further diversified my skill set, making me more marketable to employers.
If you are considering a major or minor in Classics, or even just taking one course, I highly recommend it!”
— Maddie Theaman, ’20, BA Individualized Major Program (Classical Studies).
Maddie is now working on a masters in Library and Information Science at IUI.
Contact Dr. Elizabeth Thill, Director of Classical Studies.