Scroll and Tablet Blog

Posted on May 1st, 2023 in by Elizabeth W. Thill

Course Description

an outline of what broad content can be expected for a given COURSE, containing only information applicable to every iteration of that COURSE. 

Class Description

describes a CLASS and therefore a particular iteration of a COURSE. The Class Description can be used to provide more specific information, such the semester’s focus or information about the IOR.

Class Descriptions can be changed only by the individual CLASS IOR (although sometimes the scheduling system carries them over from semester to semester). To do this, or to designate a proxy, go to ONE.IU.EDU and search for “Manage Class Descriptions.”

Class Note

used for logistical information that students should know before registering for a given class, such as textbooks, fees, (suggested) prerequisites, applicability to majors/minors, CROSS-LISTINGS, equivalencies, future scheduling, etc.

Prerequisite language in a Class Note is not automatically binding and will not prevent any student from registering for that CLASSClass Notes are updated by the D/P as part of building the semester schedule.

What Information Goes Where
Information Course Description Class Description Class Notes
General classroom content Yes Maybe No
Specific classroom content No Yes No
IOR information No Yes No
Links to syllabus, websites No Yes No
Scheduling information (cross-listing, unusual meeting patterns) No No Yes
Textbooks No Maybe Yes
Registration information (equivalencies, pre-requisites [recommended and binding]) No No Yes
Applicable to University Campus Campus
Modified by CARMIN IOR Scheduling administrator
Review schedule As needed Semester Semester