
Posted on February 13th, 2022 in Courses, Upcoming by Elizabeth W. Thill

Have you ever wondered how ancient societies understood the natural world around them? The people of Ancient Greece and Rome conceptualized nature as a mixture of gods and science, peace and terror, prosperity and challenge. Rural farmers, sailing merchants, conquering armies, and urban dwellers all saw nature differently. They expressed their relationship to nature through …

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Posted on February 11th, 2022 in Courses, Upcoming by Elizabeth W. Thill

Have you ever wondered how ancient societies understood the world around them, especially the worst parts? Today we can predict, prevent, and process disasters through scientific technology. Past peoples did not have such luxury, but they still had to make sense of disasters, natural and manmade. CLAS-B 312 serves as an introduction to disasters in …

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Posted on February 10th, 2022 in Courses, Upcoming by Elizabeth W. Thill

Have you ever wondered if concepts like “female” or “male,” “woman” or “man” have been consistent across cultures? Or whether past peoples thought about sexual identity, morality, and orientation in the same way that you do? Maybe you’ve heard rumors that Ancient Greece and Rome were basically wild orgies, societies that contributed to their own …

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Posted on February 1st, 2022 in Courses by Elizabeth W. Thill

Come explore the material culture of Ancient Rome, a world of gladiators, gods, and generals, emperors, priests, and enslaved. Learn how the Roman army conquered an empire that stretched from Scotland to Syria, Romania to Morocco. Delve into architectural and artistic achievements that would not be matched for millennia. Evaluate how archaeologists draw their conclusions …

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