Words Work Blog

Posted on February 19th, 2021 in by Rajesh Velliangiri
  • ENG-E 398 Internship in English (3-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. A supervised internship in the use of English in a workplace. Apply during semester before desired internship.
  • ENG-W 210 Literacy and Public Life (3 cr.)An introduction to the uses of literacy in public and civic discourse, with connections made to theories of writing and professional prospects for writers; serves as the required gateway course for the Concentration in Writing and Literacy and as an exploration of this concentration for other English majors and students considering the possibility of an English major. ENG-W 230 Science Writing (3 cr.) Instruction in preparing scientific reports, proposals, visuals, and research projects with instruction in CBE documentation and style.
  • ENG-W 262 Style and Voice for Writers (3 cr.) This multi-genre course focuses on developing students’ ability to develop strong written voices by examining published authors stylistic strategies, applying them to students’ own work. Students built awareness thereby of unique features of their own stylistic decision-making which stamp their written voices.
  • ENG-W 310 Language and the Study of Writing (3 cr.) An introduction to the logical foundation and rhetorical framework of effective writing.
  • ENG-W 313 The Art of Fact: Writing Nonfiction Prose (3 cr.)P: At least one 200-level writing course or excellent performance in ENG-W 131 and/or ENG-W 132 (contact the instructor if you are unsure of your readiness for this course). Students will read and analyze professional and student work as they prepare to practice the art of fact by combining the tools of a researcher with the craft of a novelist. The final portfolio includes a stylistic analysis of the student’s and others’ nonfiction works as well as two illustrated nonfiction texts based on the student’s primary and secondary research.
  • ENG-W 315 Writing for the Web (3 cr.)Introduces students to new forms of writing (beyond word processing and desktop publishing) made possible by computers -hypertext, electronic mail, and computer conferencing -and explores what impact these new forms have on literacy skills for writers and readers of such computer-delivered texts.
  • ENG-W 318 Finding your E-Voice (3 cr.)P: ENG-W 131. This course helps students understand and negotiate the creation of a successful e-voice with academic, personal, and professional applications. Reading, exploration, discussions, activities and practice help students transition from an academic to an “e-voice.”
  • ENG-W 331 Business and Administrative Writing (3 cr.)Emphasis on proposals, presentations, collaborative and individual reports needed within a business, administrative, or organizational setting. Students discover how the process and products of writing shape organizational culture by studying documents organizations use, from hiring to setting ethical standards, as they communicate both internally and globally.
  • ENG-W 365 Theories and Practices of Editing (3 cr.) Students will examine textual and literary approaches to editing given particular rhetorical contexts. Emphasis will be placed on how to make editorial judgments that promote editorial standards without violating authorial intent.
  • ENG-W 366 Written Englishes and Cultures (3 cr.) Is standard written English fixed and immutable or a living language variety? This course explores the definition, history, and politics of standard written English, the influence of home and community languages, and the uses and representation of linguistic diversity in both fiction and nonfiction texts. ENG-W 377 Writing for Social Change (3 cr.) This course examines how writing is used to promote social change, particularly in the United States. Students apply theoretical perspectives learned in the course to analyze the rhetorical nature of texts associated with organizing and social action and to create their own texts, including texts directed to public officials, the media and organizational texts.
  • ENG-W 390 Topics in Writing and Literacy (3 cr.) Various topics in writing and literacy studies. Each offering will specify how the course counts in the major in writing and literacy. May be repeated once for credit.
  • ENG-W 397 Writing Center Theory and Practice (3 cr.)This course will introduce student tutors to research and theory on the writing process, revision, and writing centers, which assumed an important place in composition studies, as writing centers have been an entry point into the field for many scholars/teachers. Areas of focus are scholarship and pedagogy, politics of literacy education and development of reflective tutoring practices.
  • ENG-W 398 Internship in Writing (1-3 cr.) Combines study of writing with practical experience of working with professionals in journalism, business communication, or technical writing. Researched reports are required. Evaluations made by both supervisor and instructor.
  • ENG-W 400 Issues in Teaching Writing (3 cr.) Focuses on the content of rhetoric and composition and considers fundamental theoretical and practical issues in the teaching of writing. Reviews rhetorical and compositional principles that influence writing instruction, textbook selection, and curriculum development.
  • ENG-W 412 Literacy and Technology (3 cr.) Literacy and technology have multifaceted relationships with each other. This course explores the effects of technologies (ranging from clay tablets to the printing press to computers) on literate practices and the teaching of reading and writing. It prepares students to think critically about the possibilities and limitations associated with different technologies and their impact on literacy over time, and to analyze educational uses of technology connected with literacy.
  • ENG-W 426 Writing for Popular and Professional Publication (3 cr.) Offers experienced writers near the end of their academic careers the opportunity to apply their skills to the public writing of the workplace. Students in this Honors course will integrate and apply academic writing skills gained from their previous academic work. They will compose documents appropriate for business and organizational purposes and explore the marketing process for freelance writing. Application of this “real-life” writing comes when ENG-W 426 students receive assignments from university units such as the University College and the School of Liberal Arts and fulfill them for inclusion in university publications.
  • ENG-Z 204 Rhetorical Issues in Grammar and Usage (3 cr.) An introduction to English grammar and usage that studies the rhetorical impact of grammatical structures (such as noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and different sentence patterns). This course considers language trends and issues, the role of correctness in discourse communities, and the relations between writing in context and descriptive and prescriptive grammars and usage guides.
  • ENG-Z 370 Second Language Writing (3 cr.) R: ENG-Z 206 is recommended. The course will consider theories and practices in the teaching and evaluation of second language writing (SLW). It will explore connections between first and second language writing, literacy, culture, and a variety of purposes. Students will learn how to identify writing needs, design tasks, and assess writing, and will form a philosophy of teaching SLW.