Words Work Blog

Posted on September 30th, 2020 in by Rajesh Velliangiri
  • ENG-W 206 Introduction to Creative Writing (3 cr.)
    Provides students with the opportunity to develop their creative writing skills and gives them a working knowledge of the basic principles of fiction, poetry and drama.
  • ENG-W 207 Introduction to Fiction Writing (3 cr.)
    An introduction to the techniques and principles of fiction writing. Written assignments, workshop discussions of student work in progress, seminar study of classic and contemporary examples of the genre. This course may be used as a prerequisite for ENG W301, ENG W302, or ENG W305. This course is recommended for English majors pursuing a concentration in creative writing.
  • ENG-W 208 Introduction to Poetry Writing (3 cr.)
    One of three introductory creative writing courses, the course focuses on the fundamentals of poetry writing exclusively, including the image, the line, metaphor, sound play, and poetic meter. Students will practice a variety of techniques, will engage in weekly reading and writing, and will learn to revise their own poems and to help edit their classmates’ work.
  • ENG-W 280 Literary Editing and Publishing (3 cr.)
    P: Any literature course; ENG-W 206, ENG-W 207, or ENG-W 208. Principles of editing and publishing literary writing. Kinds of journals, varieties of formats (including print and e-zine), introduction to editing and production processes. Possible focus on genre publishing (fiction, poetry, non-fiction prose), grant writing, Web publishing, etc.
  • ENG-W 301 Writing Fiction (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-W 206 or ENG-W 207 or permission of the instructor. Further exploration in the art of fiction writing. May be repeated once for credit.
  • ENG-W 302 Screenwriting (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-W 206 or ENG-W 207, or permission of instructor. A practical course in basic techniques of writing for film and television. Covers the essentials of dramatic structure, story development, characterization and theme, scene construction, dialogue, and, briefly, the practicalities of working as a screenwriter today.
  • ENG-W 303 Writing Poetry (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-W 206 or ENG-W 208 or permission of the instructor. Further exploration in the art of poetry writing.
  • ENG-W 305 Writing Creative Nonfiction (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-W 206, ENG-W 207, ENG-W 208, or permission of the instructor. An intermediate course in the theory and practice of creative nonfiction prose, with seminar study of relevant materials and workshop discussion of student work in progress.
  • ENG-W 310 Language and the Study of Writing (3 cr.)
    An introduction to the logical foundation and rhetorical framework of effective writing.
  • ENG-W 365 Theories and Practices of Editing (3 cr.)
    Students will examine textual and literary approaches to editing given particular rhetorical contexts. Emphasis will be placed on how to make editorial judgments that promote editorial standards without violating authorial intent.
  • ENG-W 401 Writing Fiction (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-W 301. Study and practice in the writing of fiction. Analysis of examples from contemporary literature accompanies class criticism and discussion. May be repeated once for credit.
  • ENG-W 403 Advanced Poetry Writing (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-W 303. Study and practice in the writing of poetry. Analysis of examples from contemporary poets accompanies class criticism and discussion.
  • ENG-W 407 Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-W 305. An advanced workshop in the craft of creative nonfiction, with special attention given to defining the genre and its craft.
  • ENG-W 408 Creative Writing for Teachers (3 cr.)
    Offers current and future teachers insights into the creative writing process, teaches them to think as writers do, suggests strategies for critiquing creative work, and provides guidance in developing creative writing curriculum.
  • ENG-W 411 Directed Writing (1-3 cr.)
    P: Consent of instructor. Individual projects determined in consultation with instructor. Credit varies with scope of project. May be repeated once for credit.
  • ENG-W 426 Writing for Popular and Professional Publication (3 cr.)
    Offers experienced writers near the end of their academic careers the opportunity to apply their skills to the public writing of the workplace. Students in this Honors course will integrate and apply academic writing skills gained from their previous academic work. They will compose documents appropriate for business and organizational purposes and explore the marketing process for freelance writing. Application of this “real-life” writing comes when ENG-W 426 students receive assignments from university units such as the University College and the School of Liberal Arts and fulfill them for inclusion in university publications.
  • ENG-Z 206 Introduction to Language Use (3 cr.)
    An introduction to how we use language in our lives. This course explores how and why language varies between different groups and places, as well as the role of context in language meaning and interpretation. Insights are applied to understanding the impact of literature, film, writing, and other disciplines.
  • ENG-Z 301 History of the English Language (3 cr.)
    P: ENG-Z 205 is recommended. A study of the origins of the English language, focusing on how and why English has changed over time. Topics include: the process of language standardization and its impact on education and literacy, relationships between language and literature, and the changing role of English around the world.
  • ENG-Z 302 Understanding Language Structure: Syntax (3 cr.)
    R: ENG-Z 205 is recommended. An introduction to how language is organized at the sentence level, focusing on what it means to know how to produce and understand grammatical sentences. The acquisition of syntax by children learning their first language and non-native speakers learning a second language will be studied.
  • ENG-Z 310 Language in Context: Sociolinguistics (3 cr.)
    R: ENG-Z 206 is recommended. This course explores the relationships among language, society, and culture. The interplay between social factors such as age, sex, status, class, and education and language use are discussed within the framework of various theoretical and methodological approaches. Perceptions of several varieties of English are investigated.