Posted on February 19th, 2021 in by Rajesh Velliangiri
- ENG-E 398 Internship in English (3-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. A supervised internship in the use of English in a workplace. Apply during semester before desired internship.
- ENG-E 450 Capstone Seminar (3 cr.) This senior capstone integrates students’ undergraduate study through writing and reading projects, faculty and student presentations, and creation of capstone portfolios. Students apply linguistic, literary, and rhetorical knowledge in culminating projects and learning portfolios. The course looks back at accomplishments and forward to postgraduation planning.
- ENG-L 433 Conversations with Shakespeare (3 cr.) An interdisciplinary and intertextual study of Shakespeare’s work and its influence to the present day. Students will compare Shakespeare texts with latter-day novels, plays, poems, and films that allude to or incorporate some aspect of Shakespeare’s art.
- ENG-L 440 Senior Seminar in English and American Literature (3 cr.)P: One 200-level and two 300-400-level literature courses. Detailed study of one or more major British and American writers or of one significant theme or form. Subject varies each semester. May be repeated once for credit.
- ENG-W 426 Writing for Popular and Professional Publication (3 cr.)Offers experienced writers near the end of their academic careers the opportunity to apply their skills to the public writing of the workplace. Students in this Honors course will integrate and apply academic writing skills gained from their previous academic work. They will compose documents appropriate for business and organizational purposes and explore the marketing process for freelance writing. Application of this “real-life” writing comes when ENG-W 426 students receive assignments from university units such as the University College and the School of Liberal Arts and fulfill them for inclusion in university publications.
- ENG-W 496 Writing Tudor Training Seminar (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131 and permission of instructor. Internship in University Writing Center. ENG-W 496 is an internship that prepares undergraduates to tutor in the University Writing Center.