Words Work Blog

Posted on February 19th, 2021 in by Rajesh Velliangiri
  • FILM-C 292 An Introduction to Film (3cr.)
    Nature of film technique and film language; analysis of specific films; major historical, theoretical, and critical developments in film and film study from the beginnings of cinema to the present.
  • ENG-W 206 Introduction to Creative Writing (3 cr.)
    Provides students with the opportunity to develop their creative writing skills and gives them a working knowledge of the basic principles of fiction, poetry and drama.
  • ENG-W 207 Introduction to Fiction Writing (3 cr.)
    An introduction to the techniques and principles of fiction writing. Written assignments, workshop discussions of student work in progress, seminar study of classic and contemporary examples of the genre. This course may be used as a prerequisite for ENG W301, ENG W302, or ENG W305. This course is recommended for English majors pursuing a concentration in creative writing.
  • ENG-W 208 Introduction to Poetry Writing (3 cr.)
    One of three introductory creative writing courses, the course focuses on the fundamentals of poetry writing exclusively, including the image, the line, metaphor, sound play, and poetic meter. Students will practice a variety of techniques, will engage in weekly reading and writing, and will learn to revise their own poems and to help edit their classmates’ work.
  • ENG-W 210 Literacy and Public Life (3 cr.)
    An introduction to the uses of literacy in public and civic discourse, with connections made to theories of writing and professional prospects for writers; serves as the required gateway course for the Concentration in Writing and Literacy and as an exploration of this concentration for other English majors and students considering the possibility of an English major.
  • ENG-W 400 Issues in Teaching Writing (3 cr.)
    Focuses on the content of rhetoric and composition and considers fundamental theoretical and practical issues in the teaching of writing. Reviews rhetorical and compositional principles that influence writing instruction, textbook selection, and curriculum development.
  • ENG-Z 205 Introduction to the English Language (3 cr.)
    This course is an introduction to how language, and English in particular, is structured, including sounds (phonetics and phonology), words (morphology), sentences (syntax) and meaning (semantics). Discussions focus on examples from everyday language and the application of these basic concepts to real world contexts, including language teaching and learning.
  • ENG-Z 206 Introduction to Language Use (3 cr.)
    An introduction to how we use language in our lives. This course explores how and why language varies between different groups and places, as well as the role of context in language meaning and interpretation. Insights are applied to understanding the impact of literature, film, writing, and other disciplines.