R110, Public Speaking
Contributing author for second edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION, Edited by Stephen A. LeBeau, Jr. and Kristina Horn Sheeler, Ph.D. 2017.Contributing author for first edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION, Edited by Stephen A. LeBeau, Jr. and Kristina Horn Sheeler, Ph.D. 2015. Contributing author for two editions of THE R110 STUDENT COURSEBOOK by Cochrane, Thedwall, and Vancil. Contributing author for four editions of INTERGRATING COMMUNICATION by Burns and Wagener. Author of “The Oracle: Handbook for C110 Instructors.” Summer of 1986. “A Study of Modern Tragedy,” INDIANA SPEECH JOURNAL. September, 1975. “A Study of Modern Tragedy,” a paper written to fulfill Master Degree Requirements. Ball State University, August, 1975. “Oral Interpretation Versus Acting: The Great Debate,” a paper written to fulfill Master Degree Requirements. Ball State University, August, 1974.
Outstanding Associate Faculty Award, 2011 IUPUI Department of Communication Studies, 40 years of Excellence in Teaching
Oratory, Theatre,Vocal Music
Beta Epsilon Chapter of Tri Kappa, Elder at Noblesville Presbyterian Chuch,Society of Decorative Painters, Run for the Cure (Hamilton County),