Ancient Rome is famous for its many innovations—technological, social, philosophical—that have had an outsized influence on the Eurocentric world. Rome of the 4th c. BCE saw the birth of republicanism and citizenship. The conquests of Italy and then Europe starting in the 2nd c. BCE established an empire that stretched from Britain to Syria and created a multicultural space that saw a fluorescence in the visual, literary, and scientific arts.
CLAS-C 361 explores the history of Ancient Rome from the time of the Etruscan Kings (750 BCE) to the last days of the Empire (350 CE). Drawing on literary and historical evidence, the course addresses fascinating topics, such as:
- the rise of Rome from village to empire
- the Civil Wars of Pompey, Julius Caesar, Marc Antony and Cleopatra, and the first emperor Augustus
- the reigns of “bad” emperors (Caligula, Nero, Commodus) and “good” (Titus, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius)
- the establishment of Christianity under Constantine
- and more!!
Reading a selection of primary sources allows students to hear the ancient Romans in their own words, and encourages critical analysis of historical sources. Most importantly, you will learn to think critically about important questions: How was ancient society organized? How do we interpret different types of evidence about the past? How do ancient cultures continue to shape the world we inhabit today?
Want to explore how this course connects with the modern world? Check out our blog posts inspired by this course.
Fun Facts:
- combined with HIST-C 388
- offered in person
- 3 credits
- can be applied to the History Minor and Classical Studies Minor.
Coming Next: Fall 2025
Recent Offerings
FALL 2023
- MW 1:30 – 2:45 PM (Dr. Andy Findley)