Welcome to The Communication Network (TCN), the undergraduate student engagement group of the Department of Communication Studies. Since its founding fifteen years ago, the organization has undergone various transformations, but its core principles and areas of emphasis remain the following:
TCN is an organization open to all majors and scholars of diverse and varied interests. TCN also serves as the “umbrella” group for the Kappa Rho Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Studies Honor Society. While TCN is open to all majors and years in school, Lambda Pi Eta membership is reserved for our department and field’s top-performing undergraduates who meet the following eligibility criteria:
In short, the Kappa Rho Chapter (KP) of Lambda Pi Eta of Indiana University Indianapolis pledges to provide educational and professional enhancement services to the Communication Studies students, the School of Liberal Arts, the IU Indianapolis campus, the Indianapolis community and the Communication discipline. The Kappa Rho Chapter (KP) at Indiana University Indianapolis was founded by Communication Studies professor Dr. Stuart Schrader in 2000. In the summer of 2000 Jennifer Friel, a Communication Studies student, did extensive research under Dr. Schrader’s guidance. Her report provided a basis for the organizational by-laws.
Want to know more about The Communication Network (TCN) or Lambda Pi Eta or to get involved? Feel free to contact faulty advisor Trevor Potts at trpotts@iu.edu
You can also visit the Club’s Social Media page:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/groups/tcniupui
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tcn_iupui