Sociology Minor

A sociology minor provides a more concentrated understanding of the sociological perspective

It is a flexible course of study, requiring students to take the introductory course along with five other elective courses of their choice. This is designed to pair well with a wide variety of major programs, including particularly: other liberal arts majors, nursing and other related health fields, psychology, social work, and education.

Sociology courses are designed to take advantage of the unique resources of an urban campus. The curriculum emphasizes the applied aspects of sociology as well as those segments of sociology necessary for advanced study. Courses in sociology serve to broaden the understanding of all students and should be of particular interest to students preparing for careers in professional social science, education, government, law, criminal justice, urban affairs, social service, medical service fields, and business.

Requirements for Minor: 15 credit hours of sociology course work (6 of which must be completed at IU Indianapolis), with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

  • SOC-R 100 – Introduction to Sociology (3 Cr.)


  • no more than one course may “double count” toward multiple minors.
  • 12 additional credit hours* of Sociology courses
    *6 of those hours at the 200-400 level

If you would like more coursework from the sociological perspective than a minor provides, we would encourage you to consider the Liberal Arts Dual Degree Advantage Program where IU Indianapolis students can add a liberal arts major and still graduate on time and at no extra cost. Talk to an advisor today.

Medical Sociology Minor

The Department of Sociology offers a minor in medical sociology, which emphasizes the understanding of the social context of health, health care, and the delivery of medical services. Medical sociologists study a wide range of topics, including (but not limited to): doctor-patient relationships, the social organization of heath care, epidemiology (the study of how illness, disability, and death are distributed within a population), professional education, and acute and chronic illnesses. Reflecting and recognizing the wide range of interests pursued by medical sociologists, the Department offers courses in social factors in health and illness, the social organization of health care, AIDS, disability, gender and health, death and dying, and sexuality. To complete the minor, students must complete two required courses, and three electives from the approved list, for a total of 15 credits.

Requirements for Medical Minor: 15 credit hours of sociology course work (6 of which must be completed at IU Indianapolis), with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

no more than one course may “double count” toward multiple minors.

  • SOC-R 100 – Introduction to Sociology (3 Cr.)

AND ONE of the following:

  • SOC-R 381 – Social Factors in Health and Illness (3 Cr.)
  • SOC-R 382 – Social Organizations of Health Care (3 Cr.)


  • 9 additional credit hours**

**Additional courses for the medical minor must be selected from the following (or a course approved by Medical Minor Advisor):

  • SOC-R 300: Applied Topics: Aging & Society (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 320: Sexuality and Society (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 321: Women and Health (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 327: Sociology of Death and Dying (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 349: Victimology (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 381: Social Factors in Health and Illness (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 382: Social Organization of Health Care (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 385: AIDS and Society (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 410: Alcohol, Drugs and Society (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 415: Sociology of Disability (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 485: Sociology of Mental Illness (3 cr.)
  • SOC-R 495: Sociology of Food (3 cr.)