Dau Nan from Burma
Learning English on your own can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with language acquisition methods. I have been studying the PIE (Intensive English Program) at IUPUI for the past four months. In the photographs, you can see how happy I am while studying English with my friends at the PIE. In this reaction essay, I will discuss the academic and social that have enriched my language learning journey at the PIE.
At first, taking English classes at the PIE is definitely a valuable choice for me and also international students. It not only provides language instructions but also offers an opportunity to understand American culture. Tuition fees are very affordable for international students. Classes are organized based on the students’ levels which help us learn English effectively. We have three classes every level and give lunch time appropriately. Our instructors are native speaker and very good at teaching. They are very patient and approachable in teaching English for students. In classes, we have many presentations and class activities to improve our English skills. if we struggle grammar or speaking, we can take tutoring every week. Our instructors are always ready to help us. I am very appreciate studying English at the PIE.
Moreover, I am happy when we celebrate parties with our instructors and participate in university game day. In party, we bring some food and share it and we dance together every time and we also participate and compete university game day. Last week, we celebrated Halloween party at the PIE. Our instructors and many students wore costume and we competed the best costume show. We spent time very fun. I absolutely love it. I am very grateful to have met my friends who always assist to me when I have hard time learning English. Not only our instructors but also our PIE family are very friendly and always willing to help us. When we struggle with speaking English, they patiently wait for us and listen carefully. it has been a source of great happiness for us.
In conclusion, PIE is a good place to enhance my English language and I have had a great time. I got a lot of friends and knew a lot of their cultures. My English got better before than because of our instructors’ effectively teaching and I am also ready to continue my major in university. If you looking for learning English program in America, I want to recommend the PIE at IUPUI.