PIE Blog

Posted on March 21st, 2024 in Alumni, Announcements, Community Service, Featured, Students

Below is a blog post shared by a former PIE student, Talitha Krenk. Talitha studied with us in 2016, one of the first sessions that the PIE program was open! Talitha has since received her degree from IU Indianapolis’ McKinney School of Law, passed the Bar exam, and owns her own immigration law firm in …

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Posted on May 30th, 2024 by chall7

  Introduction It has been almost 4 month since I returned to Japan but I’m still missing sweet memories at Indy. My purpose of the study abroad was to learn real English at English-speaking country so I was looking for an English school in the U.S., which does not have many Japanese student. Actually I …

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Posted on November 9th, 2023 by chall7

Dau Nan from Burma  Learning English on your own can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with language acquisition methods. I have been studying the PIE (Intensive English Program) at IUPUI for the past four months. In the photographs, you can see how happy I am while studying English with my friends at …

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Posted on July 21st, 2023 by chall7

  “Arriving in the United States to pursue my studies was undoubtedly one of the most challenging steps I have taken in my life. Being away from my family for an extended period was a daunting prospect. The initial days were overwhelming as I grappled with the language and culture, which differed greatly from what …

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Posted on June 14th, 2023 by chall7

  My name is Henderson Eurresta and I’m from Venezuela. I came here with my wife almost five years ago in August 2018. We arrived in Miami, Florida but after one month we decided to move to Bloomington, Indiana. We wanted to incorporate ourselves into American society and the best way to do so is …

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Posted on January 31st, 2023 by chall7

Salman, Saudi Arabia Below is Salman’s #myPIEstory. Salman gained conditional admission to the IUPUI O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA). He began studying at the Program for Intensive English before his degree, in order to improve his English and gain the necessary English proficiency requirement to begin his Master’s degree at SPEA. My …

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Posted on September 20th, 2021 by chall7

#myPIEstory Mariela, Ecuador English university programs for non-natives speakers of English are key for the success of immigrants. The United States of America receives hundreds of thousands of emigrants every year; In 2018, according to the American Immigration Council (2020), 44.7 million immigrants (foreign-born individuals) comprised 14 percent of the national population some of them …

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Posted on July 12th, 2021 by chall7

I had made a big decision in my life moving to the United States from South Korea for my husband. I had to start my life here with cold snowy weather in Indianapolis from zero, no family, friends and a job. I chose to take PIE classes as I didn’t have anything to do and …

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Posted on June 16th, 2021 in Blog by chall7

#myPIEstory by: Raphael Edou, Benin   I am Raphaël Edou, former minister of climate change…in Benin. I have Master of Science in Agronomy with more than two decades of experience in community development, environmental protection, microfinance, business administration, and leadership. Before, I could not understand immigrant’s challenges in my country until I become one of …

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headshoot of Silva Okonnor
Posted on December 22nd, 2020 in Blog by Lizeth Quinones

By Silva Okonnor Hello everyone! My name is Silva and I am from a small but ancient Armenia! I am a mom of two kids 14 and 4 years old, and yes, I am a student. I have been studying at PIE for a month. I am thrilled that I am not only learning the …

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