Olaniyan Scholars

Olaniyan Scholars


The Olaniyan Scholars Program promotes the development of undergraduate research and professional experience through African American and African Diaspora Studies. Scholars enter into a highly structured course of study focusing on the lives, history, traditions, interests, and communities of people of African descent. The Program provides in-state tuition, is renewable, and includes a stipend.


The program is open to freshmen, sophomore, and junior students (you must be classified a freshman, sophomore, or junior by the university in the fall of the year that you enter the program) who meet regular admission requirements to enroll at IU Indianapolis and who have demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and community engagement. Students must also have achieved a minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to apply.

The program is open to students of all races, nationalities, and backgrounds. See complete description on the Olaniyan website.


The priority deadline for applications is February 1, however, applications are accepted after this deadline depending on scholarship availability. Please submit application materials electronically to olaniyan@iu.edu.

The following information/documents must be submitted electronically, along with the fully completed application form, in PDF format. Please note that your application will not be considered until all of the requested materials are received. 

  • A completed application form
  • An official high school transcript/GED scores*
  • An official university transcript(s) (sophomore/junior/transfer students only)*
  • Essay question response
  • At least 2 letters of recommendation (one academic and one extracurricular)
  • Interview (if selected as a finalist)
  • General admission acceptance to IU Indianapolis (or an application for general admission on file with the university)
  • FAFSA form, except for international students (If you have not yet filed your FAFSA, you may do so at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa, or contact the IU Indianapolis Office of Financial Aid at 317-274-4162.  It is important to note that your FAFSA does not have to be filed at the time that you submit your application to the program, but should be filed soon after. The form is NOT submitted to the program. FAFSA forms are filed online through the appropriate website.)
  • *PLEASE NOTE:  If you have already submitted transcripts/scores to the university, you do not need to resubmit them to the program. Please simply note this on the application in the space provided.