Graduate Day of Scholarship

Next Graduate Day of Scholarship

The Graduate Day of Scholarship typically is held during the Spring semester.


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“I loved the interdisciplinary nature of the day. I rarely ever get to meet other grad students outside my department in settings like this. Hearing and discussing research was such a new way to connect with other grad students here. I really loved it”.

Graduate Day of Scholarship Awards

Title: “Exploring the Effectiveness of Toilet Talks Campaigns as a Source of College Students’ Health Information” 
Presenter: Persis Ayeh, PdD student
School: IU School of Liberal Arts
Program: Health Communication

Title: “Implications for Antiracism Education in Professional Development” 
Presenter: Nicole Carey, PhD student
School: IU School of Liberal Arts
Program: American Studies

Title: “Effect of Place Based Power Differentials on Community Based Grant Making” 
Presenter: Yue Ming (with co-author Laurie Paarlberg), PhD student
School: IU School of Philanthropy

Title: “Summer Camp for English Language Learners” 
Presenter: Anna Kane, M.A. student
School: IU School of Liberal Arts
Program: English