Liberal Arts Associate Faculty

Associate Faculty Handbook

Welcome to the School of Liberal Arts!

The IU School of Liberal Arts in Indianapolis is pleased to welcome you as a member of its associate faculty. We appreciate the experience, skills, and dedication you bring to this position. We offer this handbook as a guide to the many policies, procedures, and resources with which you need to be familiar. We hope that it will support you in the important work you do.

updated June 2021 (Changes from IUPUI to IU Indianapolis made June 2024)

Hiring Conditions: Associate faculty teaching assignments are contingent upon enrollment and full-time faculty scheduling needs. Associate faculty can teach no more than 9 credit hours per semester in the IU system.

Salary: For the 2019-20 school year, the associate faculty pay rate is $900 per credit hour taught. Senior Associate Faculty is $990 per credit hour taught.

Payroll: Associate faculty are paid monthly, for a total of five payments per semester.  Paydates can be found at this link: Note: if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, payday is the Friday before the last day of the month; in addition, the December paycheck is paid on the first working day in January. You MUST set up a direct deposit to a bank account. Go through “ONE” to set up this direct deposit. In ONE, search for “Employee Center” and go to “Payroll & Tax.” Here, you can set up both your direct deposit information and your tax withholding deductions.

FERPA: The Federal government requires the University to comply with FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. New faculty members must complete the FERPA tutorial at, which presents basic information followed by a short quiz. All of the questions must be answered correctly to “pass.” However, if you do answer incorrectly, you will be allowed to see the correct answer and change your response. When you receive confirmation of having taken the FERPA tutorial, please forward it to your department chair or program director.

IU Indianapolis ADA Training for Faculty: IU Indianapolis requires all faculty to complete the ADA training module offered through Canvas. This training is designed to provide you with the basic principles and core concepts of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Acts of 2008 (ADAAA). This training can be accessed at this link:

Network ID and University ID: If you are new to the Indiana University system, you will be given a Network ID and a University ID. Your Network ID (or username) is the part of your email address before the @. It will be assigned to you by the university and will be available 2-3 weeks after all payroll forms have been submitted. Your University ID (also called a Principal ID) will also be assigned; it is a 10-digit number that will be on your Crimson Card. Your department or program will communicate with you about how to obtain and access Crimson Cards.

You need to have both these IDs in order to turn in grades.


The School of Liberal Arts adds $245 per semester to each associate faculty member’s pay toward the cost of a parking permit. Once you have your network ID and are active in the IU computer system, you can purchase a parking permit online; search for “parking permit” in ONE. Parking permit designations, space distribution, and lot/garage designations may change from semester to semester, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the current options for parking.

You can also find helpful information on the Parking Services website about motorist assistance, “Safewalk” escort services, and campus shuttles. 

Those with a state-issued handicap license plate or tags are eligible for an IU Indianapolis handicap parking permit, which may be used in any lot. Applications are available at the Parking Services office.

Crimson Card:

The university's student/faculty/staff ID card, called a “Crimson Card,” is available to new associate faculty for no charge. (It is $25 to replace a lost/stolen or damaged card.) You are not required to have a Crimson Card as an associate faculty member, but it is by far the easiest way to use the School’s photocopiers, and you need it to check items out from the library. In addition, it offers quite a few benefits and discounts at area restaurants, museums, sporting events, and shops. See the complete list of “Deals and Discounts” on the Crimson Card site. To get your Crimson Card as a new IU Indianapolis employee, you will need to have an “active” status in the IU computer system. Your status is active once all new hire paperwork has been completed, submitted, and approved, and you have received a University ID number. You can check your faculty status online on the Crimson Card site (click “Check Employee Status”). Once your status is “active,” bring a photo ID to the Crimson Card Office, located in the IU Indianapolis Campus Center, to get your Crimson Card.

Basic Expectations:

  • Provide students a fully developed syllabus on the first day of classes (see below for more information about syllabi).
  • If the syllabus is not posted on Canvas, provide a copy of your syllabus to your department chair or program director.
  • Let your students know how they can contact you, and return emails or messages via Canvas (and/or phone calls) from your students within two ‘business days.’ This is critical, because you do not have an office on campus, and email/Canvas messaging is often the only way students can reach you.
  • Schedule at least one office hour per week for each class you teach, and post this information in your syllabus and on Canvas. If your class is on campus, your office hour should also be on campus.
  • Conduct ALL official correspondence with students either through the IU email system or Canvas. Students can only be held responsible for information sent via these systems.  You are expected to regularly check both your IUI email and Canvas.
  • Begin your classes at the advertised time, and make sure you normally meet for the full duration of the advertised time.
  • Hold your classes in the location indicated on the course schedule. (See more info below.)
  • Require a graded assignment within the first few weeks of the class so students know what to expect from the course, and so you are able to provide feedback on student attendance/performance in your classes through the online Student Performance Roster (FLAGS). See below for more information on FLAGS.
  • Return graded homework and quizzes/exams within one to two weeks of collecting them
  • Final Exams must be held on the scheduled date only. Please consult the final exam schedule for each semester, available on the Registrar’s website. You are not permitted to modify this schedule.
  • Do not schedule any writing assignments during the last two weeks of the semester unless you include them in your syllabus at the beginning of the semester. Students need to budget their time and plan ahead in anticipation of finals.
  • Turn in all final grades before the deadline set by the Registrar’s Office (typically 2-3 days after the last day of final exam week).

Associate Faculty Office Suite: Office space for SLA Associate Faculty is located in CA 313. These are cubicle workspaces with a computer, desk, and access to shared photocopier, printer and office supplies. Email Administrative Shared Services to request an office space. Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Department
  • Course(s) you are teaching (with days and times)
  • Days and times requested in CA 313
  • Would you like a file cabinet drawer? (All are locked.)
  • Would you like a mailbox? (Necessary if you do not have a mailbox in the office of your department.)

You will receive a door code for accessing CA 313 in the evenings or weekends, and you can pick up supplies for your classroom, your class preparation and grading, including such items as pens, pencils, highlighters, dry-erase markers or chalk, post-it notes, legal pads, and folders.

Copying and Printing: To print you will choose in_lart_bw1 on as your printer then you may print on any of the machines in the school by swiping your Crimson Card or using login authentication. There is a copier in CA 313 as well as in the locations listed below:

  • Dean’s Office - CA 407
  • Associate Faculty Offices – CA 313
  • Economics - the Economics Dept. copier in CA 516
  • Philosophy - the Philosophy Dept. copier in CA 333
  • Sociology - the Sociology Dept. copier in CA 303
  • World Languages and Cultures - the WLAC Dept. copier in CA 545
  • Everyone else - any of the 3 SLA copiers in CA 512

List-serves and e-newsletters: Most departments and programs have at least one list-serve for communicating information to faculty. In addition, IU Indianapolis sends out helpful information in the form of e-newsletters and other mass email communications. To make sure you receive these communications, check with Administrative Shared Services about list-serves and group email lists to which you should be added.

Health Insurance: At IU Indianapolis, we understand the gravity of the situation regarding lack of health insurance and other benefits for part-time employees. While our long-term goal is for IU to allow health and dental benefits through the University for associate faculty, the Indiana public exchange is currently available at

Office Hours: In addition to regularly scheduled course meeting times, associate faculty members are expected to hold regular office hours, at least one hour per week for each 3-credit course taught. There is a small conference room inside CA 313 that you can use for private student consultations. Conversations with students are subject to FERPA guidelines; therefore, do NOT hold office hours in public locations such as the Campus Center or Starbucks. Office hours should be stated in your syllabus. In addition, please indicate in your syllabus how you want students to contact you (IU email address or through Canvas). Associate faculty members are expected to respond to student messages in a timely manner.

University Information Technology Services:

University Information Technology Services (UITS) provides assistance with setting up and managing your University accounts and classroom technology issues and also offers tutorials and training classes on many software systems. The UITS Support Center ( addresses general questions or problems concerning technology.

In addition, Knowledge Base ( is an award-winning database of thousands of answers to questions about computing; it is available to faculty, staff, and students.

If you need further assistance, contact or call (317) 274-2590.

If you are in the classroom and need immediate technology help, call Classroom Technology Support at (317) 274-8400.

Center for Teaching and Learning:

The IU Indianapolis Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) was established in 1995 as a partnership among Academic Affairs, UITS, and the University Library. The mission of the CTL is to advance teaching excellence at IU Indianapolis while supporting faculty through a collaborative approach that celebrates and embraces the diversity of our urban research university. The CTL offers a wide array of programs, events, and services that foster innovation and translation of educational research into practice. Visit the CTL’s website for more information, and see for many practical teaching suggestions.

Learning Management Systems: IU provisioned all courses and enrollments in Canvas. Canvas is the only learning management system used by the University at this time. You can find out more about Canvas and create a practice course at

Course Evaluations: All School of Liberal Arts faculty members are required to have their students complete evaluation forms at the end of each semester. Course evaluations are electronic and will appear in your Canvas site on the dates stipulated. Evaluations will close on the last day of regular classes and are not available during final exam week.

Cultural Sensitivity: As is currently the case in many U.S. colleges and universities, IU Indianapolis has a growing international student enrollment. In addition, IU Indianapolis is known as a military-friendly school and has a significant contingent of first-generation, returning, and other non-traditional students. These circumstances significantly increase the diversity of IU Indianapolis's student body and provide all members of the IU Indianapolis community with the opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of those whose backgrounds, beliefs, and expectations are different from our own. Such diversity can provide associate faculty with ‘teachable moments’ in the classroom, but also may require some flexibility from faculty members.

Emergency Procedures: IU procedures for handling emergency situations can be found at: Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these responses. Emergency evacuation maps and procedures are posted on each floor of every campus building at the elevators. It is critical that you learn where the exits in your building are located. In the event of a fire, please exit via the stairs and not the elevators. Campus-wide tornado drills are conducted each spring, and compliance is mandatory.

To receive emergency alerts via the IU Notify system by email, text and/or voice mail, go to:

Weather Closings: IU Indianapolis does not typically close during adverse weather conditions, although there will be times when certain employees cannot travel to work, may arrive late, or may need to leave early. Associate faculty are expected to use their best judgment when traveling to or from work and should not endanger themselves or ignore the statements of local officials. Class cancellations and campus closures will be reported in the local news media and announced via the IU Notify system.

Canceling Class: If you have a personal emergency, are ill, or otherwise cannot get to class when IU Indianapolis classes have not been officially canceled, you must contact your department chair or program director as soon as possible, as well as contact the Administrative Support Team (Phone: 317-274-2188; E-mail: so that a note can be placed on your classroom door. You should also post an Announcement on Canvas and send a message through Canvas to your class roster.

IU Indianapolis offers many resources to help students thrive academically and personally. It is important that you make yourself aware of these resources so that you can counsel students as appropriate. Sometimes a suggestion from a trusted teacher can make the difference for a student who is struggling academically or emotionally.

University Writing Center:

The University Writing Center (UWC) is a service available to all IU Indianapolis students, both graduate and undergraduate. Students work one-on-one with consultants (faculty and specially trained students) to improve their writing process and receive constructive feedback on their assignments. The UWC has locations in Cavanaugh and the University Library. Students may schedule up to three 45-minute appointments a week at (317) 274-2049 or; walk-in appointments are also possible depending on consultant availability.

University Speakers Lab:

The IU Indianapolis Speaker’s Lab is an on-campus resource available to help students with speeches and presentations. Mentors can assist students with aspects such as understanding assignments and requirements, brainstorming for topics and main points, developing visual aids and PowerPoints or Prezis, polishing gestures and speech delivery, and reducing speech anxiety. Call (317-278- 7940) or visit (CA 001) the Speakers Lab to set up an appointment.

Bepko Learning Center:

The Bepko Learning Center offers academic mentoring, tutorial support, and online podcasts to assist students in making the most of their educational experience at IU Indianapolis.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):

CAPS provides IU Indianapolis with mental health services such as group counseling, individual counseling, and medication management. Students can contact CAPS at (317) 274-2548 or

Same-day crisis appointments will be arranged for students experiencing suicidal thoughts, having trouble completing daily tasks, or facing an acute stressor that threatens the safety of themselves or others.

The CAPS website offers helpful advice for those concerned about a student:

Accessible Educational Services

Accessible Educational Services (AES) coordinates work with students with disabilities in accordance with the 2009 Americans with Disabilities Act. Their offices are on the first floor of Taylor Hall.

Students who have confirmed disabilities need to be registered with AES before they can receive accommodations. Once registered, the student can expect AES to send notification to professors, asking for appropriate accommodations. These accommodations might take the form of a signer in the classroom for a deaf student, a note taker in the class, handouts with larger print, having additional time for tests, or other accommodations. If a student requires additional time on a test, AES will contact you to arrange for the student to take the test in the AES office.

Student Advocate:

The Student Advocate guides students in resolving educational, personal, and other barriers toward successful completion of their academic goals, links students with appropriate university and community resources, and collaborates with faculty and staff to assist with addressing student concerns. The Student Advocate Office is located in the Campus Center, Suite 350; students can schedule an appointment online or call (317) 274-4431.

Syllabi: University policy mandates that an instructor create a detailed syllabus for each section he or she is teaching. A course syllabus can be considered a contract between the instructor and the students. A detailed course syllabus, made available on the first day of class, gives students an immediate sense of what the course will cover, what work is expected of them, and how their performance will be evaluated. Furthermore, a well-prepared course syllabus shows students that you take your teaching seriously.

Many programs and departments require an electronic copy of your syllabus to be provided in a Canvas faculty resource site; check with your department chair or program director about your area’s requirement.

The School of Liberal Arts provides a template for syllabi here: Undergraduate Syllabus Template                       

In addition, your department or program may provide sample syllabi or templates for your specific course(s).

Academic Misconduct: When confronted with a case of academic misconduct, refer to the University Guidelines, which can be found at (there is a syllabus supplement tab for all Liberal Arts courses in Canvas for the wording of all the following information, and thus is not longer needed in your syllabus-please refer students to the syllabus supplement):

Academic Integrity: Please refer to the IU Indianapolis Student Code of Conduct: for information regarding penalties and procedures in cases of academic misconduct: cheating, plagiarism, etc.

Instructors may augment this statement by specifying penalties that may be applied in cases of academic misconduct in their course.

Withdrawals. Students can withdraw from your class without obtaining your signature until about halfway through the semester. Withdrawals should be handled using the Electronic Drop system. If you see an email that requires your action, please respond right away so students can withdraw from the class. After that they must obtain your signature on a Schedule Adjustment Form. Poor performance in your course is not considered grounds for late withdrawal.

Administrative Withdrawal: Administrative Withdrawal is a policy administered through the Office of the Registrar and handled through the FLAGS system (see below). The FLAGS system roster will appear in Canvas and ONE at the beginning of the semester, and it is through the FLAGS system that administrative withdrawal occurs. The Administrative Withdrawal Policy is effective for all students enrolled in undergraduate level courses that are at least 6 weeks in duration. Students who miss more than 50% of an undergraduate course meetings and/or required activities during the first 25% of the course duration may be administratively withdrawn from that course unless documentation of contact with their course instructor, academic unit or academic advisor is provided.

Athletic Rosters: Rosters are sent out by the athletic program once or twice a semester to check on attendance, grades, and participation of its scholarship athletes. Each athlete has given permissions for these forms to be completed. Instructors need to fill these out and return them as quickly as possible after receiving them. If you have questions about handling these rosters, see your course coordinator, program director, or department chair.


The IU Indianapolis FLAGS (Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success) system gives you a convenient place to report student attendance and class performance. The FLAGS system was developed to support campus efforts to increase student retention and four-year graduation.

FLAGS includes two components: the student engagement roster and the administrative withdrawal roster.

Incompletes: From time to time, students run into trouble at the end of the semester when circumstances prevent them from completing a course on time. The Registrar’s page at indicates considerations for awarding an incomplete. Students can only be given Incompletes if they (a) have completed at least 75% of the work with a passing grade, and (b) have a compelling reason for not being able to complete the balance. Enter a grade of I on the grade report at the end of the semester, and the student will then need to make arrangements with you to complete the work at a later date. After one year, a grade of I will automatically change to an F. Instructors giving an incomplete must do the following:

  • Give the student an “I” on the official grade
    • Access the online SLA Incomplete Grade Report Form:
    • This form filled out by instructor, printed, and signed by the instructor.
    • On the form, record what work has been finished and what work remains, along with the assignment grades the student has received so instructors can also indicate on this form any other conditions they expect the student to meet.
    • Give a copy to your department chair or program director and a copy to the SLA Office of Student Affairs, CA 401.
  • Choose a realistic date for completion of the work. Students may be offered up to one year to finish the course, but instructors are under no obligation to allow that much time; usually an earlier deadline is
  • Plan to work with the student while he or she is completing the course requirements.
  • Give the student a reliable means of contacting you, which may mean giving a home phone number or address (especially if you do not plan to return to IU Indianapolis).
  • The instructor is responsible for the grade even if he or she leaves IU Indianapolis.

Behavioral Consultation Team: Occasionally instructors may have a student whose actions make the instructor and/or other students concerned for their safety. If this occurs, instructors need to notify their department chair, program director, or course coordinator and follow the Disruptive Student Policy. All such instances must be taken very seriously and carefully documented. One of the services provided at IU Indianapolis to deal with these issues is the Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT).

The BCT is a campus-wide team that provides consultation, makes recommendations for action, and coordinates campus resources in response to reports of disruptive or concerning behavior displayed by students, staff, or faculty.

Examples of such behavior include:

  • Behavior that appears to be dangerous or threatening to the person exhibiting the behavior or to others
  • Bizarre or strange behavior, such as acting out of touch with reality
  • Angry, hostile, or abusive behavior
  • Other behavior that is inappropriate, worrisome, or disruptive

* All concerns requiring immediate attention (criminal, violent, threatening, or imminent suicidal behavior) should be directed to the University Police at (317) 274-5555.

Individuals wishing to contact the BCT should call (317) 274-4431 and ask to speak with the Chair (Assistant Dean of Students) or Vice-Chair (Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities) of the BCT. Additional information and a Concerned Person Referral Form can also be found at

Note that all campus policies can be found at: