The Individualized Major Program (IMP) in the IU School of Liberal Arts is designed to meet the needs of disciplined and self-motivated students who may wish to major and earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in traditional Liberal Arts disciplines or interdisciplinary areas for which majors are not available at IU Indianapolis. The IMP also serves transfer students who wish to continue course studies started elsewhere in areas in which IU Indianapolis has faculty expertise but no organized majors.
Individualized Major Program

Find your purpose through your own customized major
If you have a special interest in pursuing in-depth study of a combination of disciplines, then a personally designed, individualized major may be the right opportunity for you.
Pursuing an individualized major will allow you to pull from your different areas of interest and combine them into one cohesive plan of study. It reflects who you are as an individual. You will work alongside an advisor and faculty members to plan and design your field of study - think of it as your own personalized career path.
How does it work?
The IMP works like any other field of study at IU Indianapolis. You will attend classes, complete all other IU Indianapolis core requirements, and regularly meet with your advisor to make sure you are staying on the path to success. You will also work closely with faculty advisors and your custom-designed major will be overseen and approved by a faculty committee to ensure intellectual integrity and diligence.
Admission and Academic Progress
All students seeking admission must:
- be admitted to the School of Liberal Arts
- have a GPA of 2.5 or higher or evidence of recent high performance
- have completed at least 30 credit hours toward degree requirements
Under the supervision of a primary faculty advisor, students will prepare a proposal for an individualized major. Students are accepted for admission to the major when their proposal is approved by the advisor and their faculty committee.
After admission to the program, students must meet each semester with their primary IMP advisor to consider their academic progress and register for courses.
The Individualized Major requires a minimum of 34 credit hours in the major. Two courses are required of all students (4 to 7 credit hours):
SLA I360 Individualized Major Plan(1 credit hour)
A tutorial in which a student develops his or her plan for a major, including a list of courses, schedule, and rationale. Students proposing majors in traditional fields should discuss the history and nature of the discipline, describe its subfields and the methodologies it employs and shows how the proposed major fits within this framework. Those designing unique majors need to establish the intellectual unity of the proposed major and show appreciation of the different disciplinary traditions and methodologies on which it will draw.
SLA I460 Individualized Major Senior Project (3 to 6 credit hours)
A tutorial devoted to a capstone project that culminates and integrates the individualized major. Most often, this is a major research paper with an oral presentation, but other options may also be approved if appropriate for a particular plan of study. Typically, the project is presented to the student’s Individualized Major Committee and should also be presented to a broader audience in a seminar, colloquium, or student conference.
The remaining courses are selected from existing courses. (30 or more credit hours)
- No courses applied to general education requirements may be included in the individualized major.
- At least 15 credit hours in the major must be at the 300 or 400 level (in addition to I360 and I460).
- No more than 6 credit hours of independent study may count in the major.
- All courses counted in the major must be taken for letter grade; no course graded below C may count toward the major.
Scholarships and Awards
As an individualized major student, you have access to several awards and scholarships that will provide financial support as you pursue your career.
Muhammad Shafi Memorial Scholarship
Founded in honor and memory of Muhammad Safi who was a firm believer in the Islamic faith, students pursuing an individualized major in Arabic and Islamic studies may apply for this $500 scholarship. For specific requirements and how to apply, go to Muhammad Shafi Memorial Scholarship.
You may also be eligible for school and campus scholarships and awards. Awards are given annually each spring, and several can be applied to and received more than once. See the School of Liberal Arts Scholarships and Awards for more information.
How Do I Get Started?
If you are considering your own individualized major, either as a new student or as a transfer student, please contact Dr. Raymond Haberski, Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Director for Individualized Majors.